Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I walked into school the next day feeling nervous as ever. Today was the first day I was going to see Harry since the party. My entire body was shaking and I felt cold and clammy. I felt strong arms and big hands wrap around me from where I was standing at my locker.

"Hey baby," Harry said into my ear.

I turned around in his arms and saw a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hey," I said and gave an unconvincing smile.

"What's wrong?" he asked, voice laced with concern.

"Nothing," I said and he flinched.

"You sure?" he asked again.

"Yes Harry. Just leave it," I said and started to walk away.

"What did I say?" he stopped me with his big arms.

"Nothing, just let go of me so I can go to class," I spoke, frustrated.

"What's up with you today? You have an extra dosage of sass in your ass," he laughed at his own stupid joke.

"That's the dumbest thing you've ever said Harry," I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Whatever. You know I can't tell good jokes," he rolled his eyes.

"Trust me, I know," I said.

"Shut up. Are you coming to the football game tonight?" he asked hopefully.

"Of course I am. When have I ever missed a football game?" I smiled knowingly.

"You're always there for the games, you just don't pay attention."

"I pay attention!" I protested.

"No you don't. I see you in the stands by yourself, reading through the whole game. The only time you look up is when you hear the crowd cheering when someone makes a goal," he pointed out.

"I don't get football. It's not my fault," I whined.

"I know you don't," he said and kissed my nose.

"Will you just walk me to class now," I said.

He didn't even answer; he just wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to chemistry. I'm just glad we got off the topic of what was wrong with me. I really couldn't tell Harry yet. I honestly love him and want to be with him but I need his popularity for the school reelection. I know that makes me sound like a selfish bitch but it's the truth. I really don't want to hurt him either. I don't know how he would react and I'm afraid I might be attending a Zayn Malik funeral if I were to tell him. Speaking of Zayn, I really need to change seats in chemistry.

"I'll see you at the game later babe. Love you," Harry said and kissed me before he walked to his class.

I slowly walked into chemistry and looked around. I saw Zayn sitting in the back of class texting on his phone. What a rebel, I thought. I took a seat as far away from him as possible and got out my books. I started working on the warm ups and other work for the class and I felt Zayn's eyes burning into me from behind. I tried to ignore him and when the class was over, I darted out of the room as fast as I could.


As I walked to the bleachers, I spotted Harry on the field and winked at him. He gave me a wave back and I smiled while I walked to the top bleacher. I knew nobody sat there so I plopped down and pulled out my book. Harry was right; the only time I watched was when the crowd got extra loud and someone scored a goal but I was determined to actually watch and observe this time. The book was only for halftime. Hopefully this game wasn't too boring.


By the end of the first half, Harry had already scored a goal and the other team was still at 0. I cheered louder than ever when he scored but nobody looked at me funny because they were all screaming too. As I watched the team walk into the locker room at halftime, I saw a very familiar black head of hair walk under the bleachers. His tan skin glowed in the harsh light of the field and his white teeth smiled up at the crowd. We locked eyes and I looked away with a flush on my face. Why the hell didn't anyone tell me Zayn was on the team! This day just keeps getting worse.


When the game was over (our team won by the way, thanks to two more goals from Harry and one from Liam) there was apparently an after party at some restaurant a few miles from school. Harry asked me to go, but I said no. Now I was currently waiting for him outside the locker room so I could tell him goodbye. Zayn walked out and just stared at me. For a few seconds there was an awkward silence but then Zayn spoke with cockiness.

"Hope to see you at the after party," he winked and left me alone.

I shuddered at his voice. That cocky bastard.

"Hey babe, you sure you don't wanna go? It would mean a lot," Harry pouted.

"Fine I'll go," I said without thinking.

"Thanks love," Harry said and led me to the car.


I have to admit that the after party was pretty fun. I got to talk to Niall and Liam and got to dance with Harry for a while. I only ran into Zayn once when I went to the bathroom. To say that was awkward was an understatement. I dashed out of there as fast as possible. Harry bought me dinner and drove me home after the party. He walked me to the door and kissed me goodnight before waiting until I got inside and driving home himself. He really was the perfect boyfriend. Too bad I went and fucked things up.

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