Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

We arrived in the hospital after ten very long, very awkward minutes. Harry and Zayn walked into their designated rooms and I waited in the waiting room. I sat down in one of the chairs and the principal sat across from me. We waited for a while before the doctor came out of their rooms and stared at us.

"Mr. Styles has a broken wrist along with some cuts and bruises but nothing too severe. Mr. Malik has a broken nose and two black eyes. Obviously Zayn got the worse of the two, but Harry took a hit as well. They'll both be okay with some ointment and some bandages and a cast for the broken limbs. Their lucky you stopped them when you did or it could've been much worse," the doctor said to the principal.

He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I saw you last week Mr. Tomlinson. Is one of these gentlemen the father of your child?" he asked.

I nodded and looked down. He pulled me up by the arm and led me to Harry's room. I walked in and saw Harry lying on the bed with a cast around his hand. He had a busted lip and some large bruises forming under his eyes. I shuddered inwardly and instantly felt bad.

"Hi Harry," I said quietly to him.

He stared at me and frowned. I huffed but walked over to his bed nonetheless.

"I'm so sorry I cheated on you and I seriously mean that Harry," I pleaded.

"I'm not even mad about that. I'm mad that you lied to me for months and wound up pregnant, not even knowing who the dad is," he said, sternly.

I nodded in defeat and grabbed his hand. He obviously flinched but didn't pull away like I expected.

"I know you're pissed but please just except that I'm sorry and that it was a stupid drunken mistake."

"I do forgive you Louis but I can't do this anymore," he said.

I inwardly panicked and started sweating. I knew where this was going.


He shook his head and looked me in the eyes.

"I can't Louis," he said, giving me his answer.

My heart dropped and I started crying very audibly. Harry squeezed my hand and brought me into a hug.

"Ah, please don't cry babe," Harry said.

His statement made me think that he still cares about me.

"I'm fine," I sniffled.

He wiped my tears away and rested his hands on my waist.

"You know you'll always be my firsts... in everything," he said.

I gave a small smile. He wasn't lying. Harry was my first kiss, first love, first time, and pretty much every other first I've had.

"I know," I said and rested my head on his shoulder.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before the doctor came into the room and called me out.

"Wanna go see Zayn now?" he asked.

I nodded and gave a little wave to Harry. He smiled and closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep. We walked down the hall to Zayn's room and opened the clear doors. Zayn sat on the bed in the same position as Harry but he had a piece of white tape across his nose. His pretty eyes had black and purple circles underneath them and he had some bandages along his arms.

"What're you doing here?" he asked in a non-rude way.

"I just wanted to say thank you for standing up for me," I said shyly.

"I didn't want you to get hurt."

I blushed and he smiled.

"I'm sorry for shutting you out all those weeks," I said. "I shouldn't have been so rude."

"You had a boyfriend and I shouldn't have tempted you to cheat on him."

"Thanks for being so understanding Zayn. You don't know how much it means to me," I said.

He ran his fingers along the hem of my shirt and I shuddered.

"Can I?" he asked for permission.

I nodded and he grabbed my waist, almost the same as Harry did earlier. He pulled me down and kissed me on the lips. This kiss was much slower and passionate than the last one we shared. He ran his tongue through my mouth and licked out my moans. I fell on top of him and straddled his waist. He bucked up and I felt his groin rub against mine in fervent motions. I suddenly heard the door open and the doctor cough from behind us. I shot up from the bed and fell off Zayn's lap.

"Such a player," he mumbled under his breath.

I blushed and Zayn chuckled from behind me.

"Are you feeling all right?" Doc asked Zayn.

He nodded and pulled me back to his lap.

"Do you need anything right now?" he asked.

"No thank you," Zayn responded.

Doc grabbed his clipboard and walked out of the room. I turned to Zayn and laughed.

"That was awkward," I said in between laughs.

"Yeah it was," he agreed.

"So, about that kiss," I started.

"It was pretty hot," Zayn said with a smirk.

"Yeah but are we like," I said but stopped myself.

"We can be anything you want," Zayn said while rubbing my hips.

"I wanna be a couple."

He smiled and pulled me down in a small kiss.

"I do too."

We kissed for a few more minutes before he pulled away.

"So we're boyfriends?"

"Yeah," I answered.

He smiled and pecked my cheek. I heard the door open again and Doc walked in.

"Visiting hours are up," he said in a sympathetic voice.

"That's fine," I said sounding disappointed.

"You can come back tomorrow," he said. "Zayn should only be here until late tomorrow night anyway."

"I'll see you later," Zayn said to me.

I gave him a quick peck before walking out the door and into the hallway. On the way out I thought of how screwed up my life really was. Crap like this only happens in movies, not in real life. I feel really bad for Harry but he broke up with me so he has no excuse to be mad about that. I'm with Zayn now and I'm not gonna feel bad anymore. I'm not.

"Mr. Tomlinson," a female voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw the doctor that told me I was pregnant. She was also the one who gave me the DNA test.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We got your test results back," she said with a smile.

I gulped but gave her an expression to keep talking.

"The father is Harry Styles."

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