Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The fumes in the closet were slowly churning my stomach. I felt a sudden wave of nausea run through my stomach so I ran out of the closet and to the bathroom down the hall. I threw up all the food I had eaten that day and groaned out in pain. I slowly rose to my feet and walked to the bathroom door. My hand came down to the handle and carefully pushed it open. When the door was slightly cracked, I peeked around the corner for any signs of Harry or Zayn. Nobody was around the lockers or water fountain so I quietly exited the room. I swiftly walked down the hallway to the exit. I was almost there until a deep voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Is it true," Harry grumbled from behind me.

I slowly turned around to see a fuming Harry glaring at me with wicked eyes. If looks could kill, I would have been long gone by now.

"Harry, please don't-"

"Don't what huh?" he asked with a loud voice.

I flinched from the sting in his words.

"I just need you to let me explain before-"

"No Louis! You don't get to explain. Just tell me if it was true," he pleaded.

I sighed and looked at my shoes.

"Tell me it wasn't what she said."

I felt a rush of guilt run through my veins and I groaned.

"It's true," I confessed while looking back up at him.

He nodded and looked caway from me with disappointment.

"Why though? We were doing so well together," he asked.

"I don't know Harry. It was a drunken mistake and I'm so sorry it happened," I said carefully.

"Sorry doesn't make it okay Louis. Why'd you go to him? Was I not enough for you?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

"No Harry, it's just... I don't know. He came on to me and I just went with it."

He looked down again and I could tell he was crying.

"Why did you lie to me? Why did you not tell me you were pregnant for god's sake?" he questioned.

I groaned at all the questions. I felt like I was being interrogated. I guess I was in a way.

"I was scared you were gonna dump me and I needed the popularity for the election," I stated, truthfully.

His eyes shined with a newly grown anger. He started slowly backing me into the lockers a few feet away.

"You used me for popularity," he snarled.

"No Harry it's not like that," I rushed out.

"So you were in love with me but you were scared I would dump you right before a popularity contest happened?"

I whimpered into myself. That did sound bad, didn't it?

"Harry please stop," I begged while he continued to back me into the lockers.

"Why would I? You broke me Louis."

My back abruptly hit the lockers and slammed into one of the combination locks. It dug into the small of my back and I writhed in pain.

"How about I do the same thing you did to me Lou?" he asked teasingly.

I trembled and sunk down towards the floor. Harry put his hands under my arms and shoved me up the lockers. My feet left the ground and he held me a few inches from the floor. I struggled to get out of his grasp but he was too strong.

"You're only getting what you deserve," he said and began to raise his fist to punch me.

I closed my eyes until I felt Harry get yanked from me. My eyes shot open and I saw a tan figure standing next to me. Zayn moved in front of my body and put his arms out in a defensive manner.

"Get out of the way Malik. This is between me and my EX-boyfriend," he annunciated.

"If he's your ex-boyfriend, you shouldn't be bothered with me defending him," Zayn pointed out.

Harry growled and roughly shoved Zayn away. He grabbed him by the neck and held him against the wall.

"You slept with my boyfriend, got him pregnant, and lied to my face for two months," Harry yelled in Zayn's ear.

"Yeah, that's about right," Zayn smirked cockily.

By now there was a crowd surrounding us. Some people were encouraging a fight and others were shaking with nerves. I was one of those.

"I loved him and you ripped him away from me," Harry accused.

"If you really loved him, you wouldn't have been about to hit him," Zayn pointed out.

That's when Harry swung his fist. It connected with Zayn's jaw in a sickening crack. I shuddered at the sound and ran over to Liam, who was part of the crowd.

"Are you okay?" he whispered in my ear.

I nodded and turned my attention back to the fight. Harry was on top of Zayn, punching his face while Zayn covered himself in defense. Zayn suddenly grabbed Harry's shoulders and rolled them around so he was on top. They fought back and forth for a few minutes with several punches, kicks, and bites to the arms before our principal came out of the auditorium and broke it up.

"I swear I'll kill you Malik!" Harry yelled.

Our principal pulled them away from each other and to the ground. They grunted and gave up their struggle.

"What's going on?" the principal demanded

Nobody said anything so he grabbed them both by the collar and dragged them towards the exit.

"Mr. Tomlinson," the principal said, "come with me."

I hesitantly walked down the hall and out the exit door.

"They need to go to the hospital," he said.

I gave a one over on Zayn and immediately agreed. He had two black eyes and a bloody nose and Harry didn't look much better. We climbed in the school van and got settled for a tense ride to the hospital. The whole way there Zayn was glaring at Harry and Harry was glaring at me.

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