Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

~1 day until the election~

I'm absolutely positively freaking out. My campaign's been going okay but I'm still not positive about anything. I need this so bad because if I don't win, I can kiss college goodbye. All the work and stress I've been putting on myself is really starting to catch up to me. My belly's gotten practically as big as a watermelon and I feel as fat as a pig. Life sucks sometimes.

"Are you ready?" Zayn asked.

Apparently I had been nodding off while Zayn was talking.

"Ready for what?"

He chuckled under his breath and patted my shoulder.

"Ready for the election," he clarified.

"Not really. I'm nervous about it," I replied.

He rubbed my back and kissed my temple.

"You'll do great Lou. I know you'll win," he assured.

I smiled and leaned into his touch. He always knows how to make me feel better.

"Are you ready to go home?"

I nodded and we made our way out to his motorcycle. I know, I know, I shouldn't be riding a motorcycle when I'm pregnant but whatever. Zayn makes sure to drive slowly and he even got a seatbelt attached to the cushion.

"Here," he said and handed me the helmet.

I swung my leg over the seat and wrapped my arms tightly around Zayn's waist.

"Make sure you buckle up," he cautioned.

I wrapped the seatbelt across my lap and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Take me home babe," I chanted.

He laughed and began to rev the engine. He drove me all the way home and parked next to my mom's car.

"Thanks for the ride."

He smiled and took my hand, leading me to my front door.

"Can you stay?" I asked hopefully.

"Not today babe. I got things to do but I'll pick you up tomorrow okay?"

I nodded a little disappointed and he lifted my chin with his finger.

"Don't look like that."

"I just wanted to spend the rest of today with you."

Zayn let out a little sigh and kissed me on the forehead.

"I promise, tomorrow I'll come home with you and have dinner okay?"

I smiled at him. He always knows how to make me feel better.

"Bye baby," he said and waved goodbye.

I waved back and with that he was gone.


"Alright students please make your way to the auditorium to cast your votes for class president," said the principal over the intercom.

I got up from my desk and walked towards the auditorium. On the way through the lower hallway, I spotted Harry and Chelsea kissing underneath the stairs. I tried not to look but I couldn't help glance their way. My heart dropped and I continued walking in a faster pace. Eventually I made it to the auditorium to see hundreds of students signing their ballots and some waiting in line. I started chewing my fingernails nervously while I watched boy after girl walking into the booths, signing my fate. I crept into line and signed a ballot for myself before coming back out and seeing Zayn.

"Hey Z," I greeted for the first time today.

He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Hey babe," he said and kissed me on the head.

"Did you vote yet?" I asked.

"No. I need to do that don't I?" he joked.

"Yeah, get in there before the line gets too long," I said, pushing him forward.

He walked into one of the booths and I took time to look around. Every time someone would put their little piece of paper into the box, my heart would race. Hopefully I can get lucky just this once.

"I voted," Zayn said, pointing to his little sticker.

"Thank you," I said squeezing Zayn's hand.

I stood in the auditorium until the last student cast their vote. Zayn pulled me back to class and I was nervous as hell awaiting the results.

"Okay students, the voting results will be announced during lunch. Have a great day," the principal said.

The next two periods passed by slower than they have all year. I couldn't focus and the classes seemed extra boring. Finally around noon, lunch rolled around and I made my way to the café. I was way too nervous to eat so I went to the table instead. Niall was already there so I sat down.

"Hey Lou, you ready?" he asked.

"No, but I never will be," I said and laughed despite my nerves.

"I think you'll win," he said.

"Thanks Ni."

Zayn and Liam both came to our table and sat down next to us. Around twenty minutes in to lunch the intercom buzzed and the faculties' voices came over.

"Attention students. You all voted this morning and the results are in. By a three hundred vote lead, Louis Tomlinson is once again your class president. Congratulations Louis and thank you for voting today students," they said and my heart raced so fast, I thought I'd have a heart attack.

"Oh my God Louis!" Niall yelled excitedly.

"Congrats man," Liam piped in.

"I told you Lou. You did it," Zayn said and pulled me into a side hug.

I was so happy that nothing could bring me down.


Hey Louis," I heard from behind me.

Harry was standing there looking awkward.

"Hi," I said a little skeptically.

"Um... congratulations," he said awkwardly.


"Um Lou, I just wanted to say that I voted for you and I'm really happy you won."

My face heated up and I was confused for a moment. Harry voted for me?

"Oh uh thanks Harry," I said with a little smile.

"Yeah so... good luck with... everything."

And with that, he walked away.



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