A boys dream

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We drove in silence for a few minuets before he turned to look at me. The limo had neon lights that lined the roof of the cabin and it gave everything inside a blue glow.

" Anna, how old are you?" Steven asked out of no where.

" I'm 20, why?" I replied curios as to what prompted that odd question.

" Funny you look older." He said as his gaze went from me to the snowy dark Russian scenery.  

" What's that suppose to mean?" I asked a little offended by his sudden comment. Was he calling me old? I mean I wasn't in the best shape since had just had a run in with Brody but his comment was uncalled for.

" It means you don't look like a noob in life." He said as I could see a faint grin come across his face. He tried to hide it but I saw it before he hid it behind his hand.

" How old are you cus to me you look about late thirties." I lied just to get a rise out of him. In all honesty he looked like he was in his mid twenties.

" I'm 23." He said through gritted teeth as his eyebrow twitched. Ahhh, and a weak spot has been found.

" Oh that's funny, I never would have thought a 23 year old would have such a struggle finding a girlfriend that he would resort to stealing another mans wife." I said smugly in my seat shooting him a death glare. I wanted that one to sink in. He needed to see how ridiculous he was acting.

" You have a quick tongue." He said as his sour attitude turned to a mischievous one." Why don't you put it to good work." He suggested as his eyebrow raised and he pointed to his lips.

" Ew, I'm sorry I don't kiss thirty yea- I mean old guys." I said with a grin.

I know this probably wasn't the wisest approach but in case of an attack I could just hit his left shoulder and everything would grind to a halt.

I was determined to piss him off and it looked like I was succeeding.

" Don't test me Anna. You are mine now and I won't hesitate to use you however I wish." He threatened but I just laughed.

" I would like to see you try." I said taunting the bull. Has that line ever worked on women he just forced into his limo?

" Gladly." He said as he inched closer to me but stopped as the limo stopped." How about we take this somewhere more comfortable." He said as he looked out the window.

I followed his gaze to see we had arrived at a huge modern looking home. It was clear this was his house. Although it was big, Dimitri's was bigger.

" Let's go." He barked as he caught hold of my arm and hoisted me out of the car.

He dragged me through the freshly fallen snow to the extravagant front entrance. From there he took me up a set of stairs without a railing on them which concerned me. If I struggled I could fall all the way down. For now I would have to remain still and take in any information I could about his home. I would be escaping here after all, so it's best I know my way around. Everything about this house was modern even the paintings on the walls.

The rooms were full of a mixture of black, grays, and whites. Vases full of different types of ferns and dark green leafy plants were sprinkled around the place. Large floor to ceiling Windows covered the back wall and strange abstract paintings were hung ever so delicately on the walls. Dark hard wood floors covered every inch of the floor while modern furniture sat on it in an orderly fashion.

He took me to the very top of the scary stairs which just so happen to be the third story. To my surprise there was only one door on the entire floor. Suddenly Steven pulled out a key attached to a neckless around his neck. He unlocked the door then hid it back under his suite.

" Welcome to my room, very few women have the privilege to come up here." Steven said as if trying to impress me.

In reality I could care less if I was considered lucky. Nothing about the last 24 hours has been lucky for me so I just shot him a death glare.

" You won't be making that face after I'm done here." He said and I couldn't help but remember an actor in a cheesy movie saying that exact threat.

A giggle escape my lips and I quickly hid it. Steven looked to me, a pleased expression painted all over his face.

" This will be your punishment for lying to me." He said as he walked over to a closet to my far right.

His bedroom room was just as modern as the rest of the house. For some reason his room strongly resembled that of what I imagined a rich teens room to look. Every play station imaginable was hooked up to large flat screen TV and posters of women painted the wall nearest his computer. A set of gaming headphones sat rested on his expensive computer chair and a mini fridge full of what I can only imagine to be sodas and beer sat next to the computer desk.

How old was this guy again? Was he still playing video games? Shouldn't he be paying more attention to the mafia he ran? 

His bed was big enough for at least four people and it looked like he had a maid clean the place because it was cleaner than expected. As my eyes scanned his extensive room they stopped at the closet where he had stopped. He had a box in his hands and a chill ran down my back.

" Look inside." He said with a smirk.

I slowly inched closer to see what my punishment could have been. My mind was running a million miles a second. What if it was something dirty? Or maybe something painful? I don't know but one thing was sure it wasn't going to be good.

I looked inside only to see a pair of controllers.

" What?" I asked as all my scary thoughts came to an abrupt halt.

" Let's play one of my favorite games." He said as he motioned his head in the direction of his huge TV.

" What kinda game?" I asked knowing nothing about the world of PlayStation games.

" You choose but the rules will stay the same." He said as he showed me into the closet which was filled floor to ceiling in shelves of games from all the weird gaming systems he had in his room.

" What are the rules?" I asked as I scanned the titles for something familiar.

" It's the same rules as strip poker. If you loose one item has to come off." He said with a grin." And I don't loose." He added just to stress me more.

" Ah, no way!" I said as I shook my head side to side." I would be naked in literally like five minutes if I didn't choose a game I would have a chance at being good at.

" You have no choice, it's your punishment." He said with a grin." There is always another punishment you can choose." He said as he motioned his head to his bed." It would be quicker than humiliating you via video games."

" Fine strip game it is!" I said as I quickly searched some more.

I needed to find something easy and familiar. I finally came across one that was perfect.

" This one." I said as I chose Frogger. I might win after all. I play a game like this on my phone all the time.

Steven gave me a weird look and shrugged his shoulders.

" Okay, I did say you could choose." He mumbled as he slid the case off the shelf and brushed the dust off it.

I was pretty good at Crossy Road so this should be the same thing. A grin of my own came to my lips. He wouldn't see it coming.

" Let me set it up." Steven said as he cut the zip ties around my wrists with his pocket knife. He then walked off and turned on his PS3.

I rubbed my red wrists and walked over to a pair of bean bags on the floor.

" Ready?" Steven asked as he handed me my remote.

" Ready." I said and the battle began...

Authors Note: hi guys thanks for the patience. I hope you guys liked the chapter. So Steven he isn't as bad as Brody but it seems he knows more than expected. Or could that be a dirty trick to get Anna to do stuff for him? Only time could tell I mean Dimitri doesn't seem like a man with dirty secrets, or does he? Till next time remember to vote and comment. I love all them so keep it up.🐯

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