Day out

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My head was still a little fuzzy from just waking up, so I wasn't sure if I heard correctly.

" Get out, as in leave the house?" I asked giving her a confused expression.

" Yeah, that's what go out means." She gave me a look that just screamed duh.

" If it means leaving this house I'm down for anything!" I agreed before nodding and running to the closet.

I picked out a black snow jacket, dark blue skinny jeans, a gray knitted infinity scarf, and a white button up long sleeved shirt. I then proceeded to the bathroom to change and get ready.

Let me tell you, that was the quickest I have ever gotten ready in my life! I was so excited to finally leave that it was the only thing on my mind. If I'm lucky I might get to talk to the police and be sent home.

" Are you ready?" Sofia asked from inside the bedroom.

" Yup, let's go." I replied now finding new hope.

I made sure that we left as quickly as possible! The last thing I need is for one of the guys to see me and " keep an eye" on me all day.

I sprinted outside to the car with a smile on my face. Sofia seemed to enjoy my now cheerful mood.

Once we got to the car, Sofia got in the drivers seat and I got in the passenger side.

The car was clean and had that new car smell. It must be nice to have a car that didn't smell like pizza all the damn time.

We drove down along the narrow icy rode with snowy forests on both sides. Sofia was acting a little strange which worried me slightly. Now she was quiet and her eyes kept darting from thing to thing.

" What's wrong?" I asked and she took her eyes off the rode for a second to look at me.

" It's nothing." She blew off, but I could tell something was bothering her.

" Hey, I was wondering something." Sofia sighed now in a completely new tone.

" Sure, what?" I asked looking out the window at the snowy Russian scenery.

" My brother... Dimitri, he really loves you. I just don't want to see him sad." She admitted out of nowhere in a soft tone.

" Of course you wouldn't, you're his sister after all." I replied as I tried to turn the conversation away from me possibly leaving.

" Yeah but.... Never mind, we are almost there." She concluded as a huge building could be seen in the distance.

" Where are we going?" I asked as I tried to figure out what the building was.

" To the mall of course, we need to get some ideas for the wedding and get some cute clothes." She said with a smile.

" Wedding ideas?" I asked remembering what Dimitri had said at the dinner party last night.

He said we would get married on December 23, that's in a month! If I don't escape soon I will be married to a gang leader.

" Duh you're getting married in like a month, and not just that but your also getting married to the boss of a gang. That stuff isn't taken lightly, it's a huge celebration!" She said almost squealing with joy.

" I guess I have always wanted a big wedding." I mentioned as my debt came to mind.

" I hope so, because that's what your getting!" She stated as her smile never faded away.

Then like a brick, it hit me. Why in the world would I want to go back home? I have debt, no boyfriend, two sucky jobs, a crappy car, and my only family is a cat! Maybe I'm better off here, surrounded by people who care about me... In a way. Here there is man who wants to marry me for some crazy reason and I know he can protect me because he is a freaken gang leader. Last but not least from the looks of it I would be well off when it came to money too, not that it matters.

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