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A cold draft ran across my body ripping me from my sleep. I opened my eyes to see Dimitri putting on his coat. The room was still dark and Dimitri looked like a million bucks. He always dressed formally and I kinda admired him for it. I get tired of looking decent after a day, he looks amazing EVERY day ALL day. That takes a lot of effort and self discipline. Or maybe it came natural to him? Maybe he was just born with amazing looks and it took little effort to polish off the whole look. Honestly I couldn't relate.

" Where are you going?" I asked as I rapped myself in the covers like a burrito.

" Work." He replied as he straightened his dark blue tie. He was never much for words.

" When will you be free?" I asked as I pouted a little. I wasn't upset so much that he was distant but more because I was disappointed I wouldn't be around him. Wasn't I suppose to hate him for this whole mess I'm in?

" Don't worry, I told Nikolai I would leave around 1:00 so I could take you out somewhere nice for lunch." He said as he walked this way." Till then be patient." He whispered before he kissed me on the forehead.

After that he left. I let out a sigh and looked over at the clock and noticed it was 3:45am. He wakes up so early to go to work. You would think a boss would get to sleep in till the sun rises at least. That reminds me, I never found out what kinda Mafia stuff Dimitri does.

Mafias deal with a lot of illegal stuff right, so then maybe drugs. I don't see Dimitri doing any hard core drugs though, maybe loans? Or then again he could do bounty hunter stuff. For some reason I couldn't picture him doing any of those things. Or at least I didn't want to. I did share a bed with the guy, rather him be a figurehead than a murderer.

My eyelids grew heaver and heaver as our little exchange took place and in the end they got what they wanted. Just like every other time I hit snooze five hours passed in the whole three seconds my eyes were closed.

I decided to go visit Karolek and Tank to see if I could get some answers about Dimitri's job from him. He seemed honest enough, not to mention he was younger than the rest. Maybe his walls weren't as hard to break down as the other stone cold members of the mafia.

I quickly tied up my bed hair into a messy bun then slipped on some day clothes. I slapped on minimal makeup then headed out of the room to Karolek's. Not going to lie, I felt a little guilty after seeing how Dimitri left this morning vs how I left. Maybe next time I'll do my hair nicer.

If I remembered right his room was 23. I hesitantly knocked on the door, half expecting some other random dude to answer. A person who sounded like Karolek answered in Russian back and a sense of relief rushed over my nerves.

" Um, Karolek... It's Anna." I said assuming he asked who it was. It would probably be smart to learn a little Russian if I'm going to be here a while.

" Anna!" He exclaimed, sounding surprised on the other side of the door.

The door opened a crack revealing a tired looking Karolek and the wet nose of Tank.

" What's wrong? Do you need help with something?" He asked sounding very awake all of a sudden. He must have thought I needed help or something.

" Actually, I have some questions for you." I said wondering if I should come back another time. He looked like he just woke up.

" Sure anything, do you want to come in?" He offered sounding a little nervous.

" Um, if it's okay with you." I said with a smile.

" Um sure, just give me a minute." He said as he closed the door and I could hear his feet run around his room. I could hear loud shuffling and strange dragging sounds on the other side of the door.

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