Chapter 1

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Hey guys well this is my 1st Fanfic Book I've ever written and I just wanted to say I hope you guys enjoy it!! If anyone actually does read it, thanks I really appreciate you :)

Lexa (POV)
Train. Fight. Eat. Sleep. For the past 18 years that's all I have come to know and learn. Being a protector has always been a dream of mine and I'm told I'm so close in achieving my goal. I have worked perfusly night and day hoping to become a protector and hopefully later a leader.

I'm sitting on the black sheepish soft rug in the middle of my small room meditating when I hear a creaking noise like an opening of a door come from my left side. I decide not to bother looking up. I hear light footsteps coming closer and closer with each step. Soon I feel a strong grip on my left shoulder as I look up at the figure. My eyes take time to adjust to the brightness that fills the room. As my vision clears I see a silhouette with long flowy brown, like a tree trunk, hair that stops right before her rib cage and I realize that it's Anya that is standing before me she is, my trainer, companion, and the closest thing I have left to a family. Since my parents died when I was 10 years old, but no one ever told me how and I've never seemed to asked. But I have always wondered if they would be proud of me. I guess me becoming a protector somewhat helps me justify that they will finally be proud of me and that I'm doing something that they would approve. As Im torn from my thoughts I notice that Anya greets me with a stern and determined yet comforting look. One that I have grown accustomed to. I stand up eye level with her. I interally smile at the fact that I'm almost taller than her and I'm only 18 years old. While she is 22.

"You've gotten taller since the last time I saw you." She laughs as if she just read my mind. I will always be taken back at how well and often she seems to do that. Read my mine. And with Anya I feel like I can be myself all loose yet serious when need be at the same time.

"Or you have shrunk." I smirk and she just rolls her eyes. Suddenly her face becomes emotionless a mask of a look I have been trying to perfect ever since I first saw it appear on her face. I look confused at first wondering what made her face expression change.

"I have come here to inform you that your final mission in completing training has arrived." I try not to burst into the biggest grin ever as she is telling me this blissful news. "Here is a file of what you must accomplish. I have not looked at it. This is for YOUR eyes ONLY." I slowly reach out for the file noticing my hand is shaking. From excitement? Being nervous? I am thinking of what it could possible be. Protect the President, that would be cool! Go out in the wilderness in the woods and try to survive for 2 months! God I just love the smell of the trees and the bark at dawn! I always beg Anya if we can train there. She usually gives in about 10 minutes later of me begging on my knees annoyingly, just to get me off her back.

"I must leave now and your mission starts as soon as you open and read it. Unfortunately, you can not have any help or contact with me or anyone from the organization." I nervously flinch slighty hoping she didn't notice, but of course she does. "Don't worry in case of a life threatening emergency we have installed a tracking chip inside of you when you first arrived here." I loosen up, but then realize why they have never told me of this so-called tracker chip. That's how they were able to find me when I was stuck in that well when I was 8 and I was so far off from everyone. I just wanted to see how long I could run until I lost all my breath and my lungs begged and pleated for air. Im snapped back into reality as Anya continues, "So, we will keep an eye on you every once in a while." I nod knowing this may be the last time I see Anya. We both manage to keep our strong masks on as we lock eyes with each other. We hug tightly for a long time and fall apart in each others arms not caring about feeling vulnerable.

She releases me from warm arms as she says, "Remember your training, Lexa. Always use your head not your heart. And you will succeed this final test." She looks at me with such emotion I swear I see all the peaceful memories we have shared flash before my eyes as I look into hers.

"May we meet again." I choke the words out barely as she turns around and exists through the door still leaving a trail of her scent of determination and comfort. I look down at the file in my rough hands and my stomach twists of eagerness for adventure and nervousness of the future and the task at hand.

My palms are sweaty as I carefully open the file and read it throughly. Reading it twice and blinking multiple times to clear my vision and making sure that I'm reading it correctly. This is nothing at all what I expected to be my mission. It must be a mistake.

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