Chapter 5

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Lexa (POV)

I put my bag in Clarke's room and then we head downstairs towards the dinner table. Gus perpared steak and mashed potatoes for dinner. I heard my stomach growl and so did everyone else and we all just laughed. At the table there was small talk. I didn't expect the Griffin household to be so warm and welcoming. I was taken back at how quick Abby was to let me stay the night and how Clarke insisted on me "sleeping with her".

I could tell Abby had something she wanted to ask me, but wasn't quite sure if she should ask it. We had talked about the school day, homework, friends, and very briefly family. Then the prolonged question came.

"So, Lexa, you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but what's home like? Mom? Dad? Siblings? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?" I dreaded these questions. Mainly because I had to lie to such a heartwarming lady.

I sat up straighter in my chair and decided to tell her. "I don't mind at all Abby. Well you see my home is more of anywhere I find somewhat of a roof, basically shelter. You see my parents died when I was very small and from then on I have been moving from orphanage to orphanage. No siblings or boyfriend or a girlfriend." I steal a side glance at Clarke and see her tense and then relax.

"Also, unfortunately, the orphanages are always full and there are too many kids to keep track so I manage to slip out all the time." She soaks in what I just said and I look of pity comes across her face and then an emotion I didn't expect to see. Satisfaction. Like she just found the solution to all my problems.

"Okay Lexa I know this might seem too fast for you, but if you want you could move in here with us. You and Clarke seem to get along just fine already so there is no conflict with that. And Jake well he is never home anyways and when he is home, he is either working or sleeping, so he won't mind. The paperwork for us in being your legal guardians won't be a hassle at all because Jake works with that all the time and being a lawyer he can speed up the process. Plus, with my long hours in the doctors office and Jake's long hours in his office, Clarkie here would be so lonely. So in the long run you would be doing us a favor in living with us.

I was completely and utterly shocked. They wanted me to live with them. It was the perfect idea. Easy access to Jake's office and protecting Clarke. I didn't want to sound too rush or excited. So I played it off cool...well I hoped I did.

"I...umm.I don't know what to say. Ye..yes I would appreciate that very much. Thank you for everything. I'm speechless." She looked at me and smiled enormously and clapped her hands.

"Alright it's settled then. Lexa is offically living in the Griffin household!" I fully look over at Clarke for the first time at the dinner table and she was shocked beyond belief. I think she was processing everything that just happened. Same as me. I smiled and Gus picked up our plates and we all headed for bed.

"Goodnight girls." She said as she turned towards her room.

"Goodnight." We say in unison.

We enter Clarke's room which was bigger than my training room back with Anya. The walls were an envious dark green and her bed was enormous and covered with...sheep skin? Before we went to bed we had to decide where I was to sleep. Obviously Clarke's bed was big enough to fit the both of us, but I felt uncomfortable. We agrued back and forth for a solid 10 minutes when we came to a conclusion, that I would sleep on the floor if I had a sleeping bag and if at any time throughtout the night I felt uncomfortable I would move into the bed with Clarke. Although it was tempti--what no. I didn't want to bother her in her sleep. Plus I needed to protect her. Even though she didn't know that nor will she ever, she just can't. If she finds out will she laugh at me? Be creeped out? Never want to speak to me again? I can't think like that anyways. We say our goodnights and turn off the light. Oh god, staying the night in that house was...something else. First off, I didn't get any sleep at all. My mind was racing with thoughts about the conversation at dinner. Well that was easier gaining their trust and moving closer to Clarke. I wonder what Clarke thinks about it all?

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