Chapter 2

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Clarke (POV)




Just 5 more minutes please....

"Ugh, why did I have to go to that stupid party last night my head is killing me." I thought to myself. I swiftly sat up regretting my actions as soon as I did them. I held my head in my hands as I tried to look up squinting my eyes as the bright sunlight enters through my curtains. I grab a water by my bed side and chug it down in one swallow.

My mind wonders to the dreadful thought of attending school today. Gross. At least I only have one more year going to this hell hole. Ahh being a senior top dog. I leave my bed and stand up realizing that its already 6:30 and school starts at 7:00. Shit I can't be late for the 3rd time this week its only Wednesday. I rush to take a shower and after I put on a dark red solid crop top and blue jeans and tie my hair up in a loose bun and do my makeup light. I grab my backpack and a piece of toast left out by my mom and grab my keys to my baby, my 2016 all black Jeep Wrangler and glance at the time. Dammit 6:50.
Guess you're going to be sprinting today, Clarke.

I enter my first class of the day just as the final bell rings. I swipe a bead of sweat off my forehead as I sit down next to my bestfriend, Raven. I turn to her and give her a struggling smile and she returns with her signature smirk. I lay my head on the desk trying to remember and recover from last night's events as it all floodes my mind and comes back to me all at once.

No. There's no way that I did that with him especially. I cringe as I remember clearly playing the game of spin the bottle after too many drinks...I was definitely drunk. The bottle had landed on no other than Finn Collins the most conceited, strung up, fuckboy there ever was. I was force to kiss him, but at my stupid drunk state of course it turn into something much much more. His arms wrapped around my waist so gently, but the determination and need of pulling me closer to him as our lips were pressed harshly against each other hurting me and not in a good way, but of course I kept going. I guess I was just caught in moment with everyone staring at us. I had to put on a show. Come on after all I am Clarke Griffin badass, partier, rich girl of Polis High School. I have to keep up my reputation and what better way than to be caught at a party making out with the same level Finn Collins. Everyone always seemed to "ship" us, whatever that was, I never seemed to care about 'shipping' unless it was with my two favorite characters in my all time favorite tv show The 99. Anyways, Octavia and Raven, my two best friends, joked around calling us by our 'ship' name which was apparently the made up to be, Finlarke, and of course with my luck it caught on and now the whole school seemed to be using that stupid senseless nickname. Great now I might have to confront him at school about it and tell him it meant nothing to me and watch his eyes slowy sadden, as it seemed to happen to me too often with other boys....and occasionally girls and for some reason I always rejected them, never finding any interest in anyone. Maybe because I thought love was a waste of time and stupid because I have been hurt in the past. Bellamy. No I will not think about that dick he is trash. I guess I always seemed to find myslef just going to parties and having anyone who was willing to be with me for the night, which it was never hard to find someone, to fill the emptiness I felt, but never showed because who gives a damn about me or anyone else, right? Not me, I definitely don't.


"Hello Earth to in there?"

I jolt up at the sudden feeling of a hand shaking my shoulder.

"Woah there Clarke, you okay? You seem off lately,"

I nod slightly shaking off the fog and cloudiness that clogged my mind.

"anyways it's time to go to lunch and you seemed to manage to fall asleep through Mr. Jaha's ENTIRE lecture on solving the quadratic formula. Which actually isn't that hard to do." She chuckles to herself causing Clarke to laugh at the girl and they start to pack their things and head out for the door and make our way over to the lunch tables in the cafeteria.

O is already at our table waiting for us with Linc sitting with his arm wrapped around her waist. They both acknowledge us with a smile as we sit down and pull out our lunches. At first it's silent when we eat, but Raven of course cant contain the deafening much for some peace and quiet. My head and ears still are ringing from last night. My thoughts are interrupted my Raven who bursts out into conversation talking about who knows what about engineering and mechanics. I roll my eyes and stare at Raven in amusement as she talks passionately about her love for the mechanics. I look over at O and Linc who have the same expression on their faces as me. I laugh slighty looking at my group of friends thinking how I came to know and come close to them.

Raven has finally stopped blabbering and Octavia sees it as a chance to change the subject quick before the brown haired brown eyed girl and go on rambling about who knows what again.

"So I saw you were at Costia's party last night with Finn." I look up from playing with my food and stare at her with a stoic face realizing she was talking to me. She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows. I brushed her gestures off and puffed out air heavily, not revealing how I really felt...embarrassed and regretful. I locked eyes with her and shrugged.

"It wasn't really that fun. He was just another person that I made out with and just so happen to be there at the exact time I was too intoxicated. No harm no foul." I say monotone.

"That's not what I heard." Linc spoke up. I forgot he was even here since he normally never interjects in our conversations. I raise an eyebrow at him pushing him to continue, as I take a drink of my water. "He has been bragging to the whole Lax team about how he went to 3rd base with you!"

It took everything in my control not to spit out the water in my mouth as I sat there in shock. He is dead meat. I'm going to kill him. WHAT THE HELL FINN. I swear Im going to make his life a living h--. I'm cut off by my thoughts as I feel a gently cold hand on my shoulder. I must have really looked pissed because I get concerning looks from my friends and I just shake them off.

"Umm, you okay Clarke?" Raven asks with a furrowed brow. I nod and stand up as the bell rings. We all depart to our differnent classes and say our goodbyes to each other.

*2 hours later*

Finally schools out!! I think to myself as I head out to my baby. I hop in the car and head home. I arrive at the gate to my house as I tell Gus, our butler, to let me in over the intercom. The gate swings open as I pull and park in the driveway. I start to walk to the front door and put the keys in the lock, but stop as I feel a lurking presence as if someone was watching me. I look around and see nothing. I dismiss the feeling and enter the sweet smell and cold feeling of an empty big and lonely mansion hiding the secrets of a family who seems to be "perfect".

I take a deep breath and sigh wondering who could love such a place.

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