Chapter 8

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A/N: Brief mention of abuse and some torture in this chapter (kind of an important part setting up the story ish). If you don't like that stuff you can skip the part with the 1st **** and the 2nd **** indicates that part is over. Okay now on to the story....

Clarke (POV)

At school I hadn't seen Lexa all day. In the back of my mind something told me that something wrong and terrible happened to her. I quickly pushed the thought aside as I started walking to my car. I got inside and started driving home. I was debating whether or not to text Lexa where she was and in the end I decided to. I picked up my phone and sent a message to her.

Me: Hey I know you are probably still mad at me, but I haven't talked to you all day. And I was just wondering where you were...wanna meet up some place and hang? xx

I waited a while and she still hadn't responded. I decided to be all stalkerish and I opened up the app "Find My Iphone" to track her. Okay yes I know I barely knew her, but something just felt wrong and like that I NEEDED to find her. A little pin popped up on the map, indicating that was her and her location. Strangely it showed up at the alleyway a few minutes from my house. I started driving towards the location of the pin. When I drove up to the sidewalk of the alleyway I had my lights off because I didn't want to draw any unwanted attention in my direction in the middle of the night.

I parked my car and walked towards the end of the alley where a small light post was. I could see three maybe four figures who looked like they were dancing? No as I got closer I could see that they were fighting! Shit. Lexa! I started to sprint towards her, but decided to get to an advantage point and height. I climbed a ladder that was position up a wall for access to the roof of the building. Luckily, that building was overlooking Lexa and the other three men as they fought. Blood was pumping through my ears and everything seemed to disappear. This feeling was something that I was used to. My dad and I used to go hunting and he taught me a lot of skills. I was prepared to insanely jump off the ten foot roof and tackle one of the men and have them break my fall. As soon as I had the right angle on one of the men I bent my knees, but I was stopped by the sudden cold presence that I had felt before and I was too frozen to turn around. I screamed at myself to move. To breathe. To save Lexa. Anything!

"So we meet again, Clarke." The devilish tone in that voice sent familiar chills down my spine. Causing me to shutter ever so slightly. How can that be him? There is no way? Why now? Bellamy.


"Clarke we need to talk." He says as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah of course what's up?" I lightly kiss his cheek. But before my lips connect with his cheek he pulls back. I have a confused look on my face. This can't be good.

"Don't fucking touch me right now! Did I give you permission yet?!" He spat viciously.

"No you're right I'm sorry. Just please don't hurt me again." He slaps me hard. That's going to bruise. That wasn't the first time Bellamy had hit me like that or worse. This had been going on for three years now. Well looks like I now have to make up another story to everyone who asks "what happened".

"Don't you ever fucking tell me what to do again!"

"I'm sorry." I whisper as I feel the burning sensation on my face.

"As I was trying to tell you. I got a job. Working with my uncle Pike. We go out to steal from the rich...kind of like Robin Hood except we keep it all for ourselves." He chuckles with an evil hint behind it. "We have a big company a lot of men working with us very successful! Unfortunately we can't have any ties, so this." He points his finger back and forth between him and me. "Isn't going to work out. Who knows maybe in another life. May we meet again, Clarke." The words were spit out like venom.

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