Chapter 4

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Clarke (POV)

I pull out my phone and see I have a text from O asking if she can borrow my car for just today and she will drop it off at my house later. "Fine. I will give you the keys at lunch." I text back. I grab Lexa's arm and start to drag her towards the cafeteria. She seems to stiffen, but I quickly dismiss it. We are walking side by side and enter the cafeteria as soon as I look over and see my friends sitting down and smiling and waving in our direction. I smile and wave back at them remembering Lexa is beside me. We reach the table and sit down I hand O my keys and I start to introduce Lexa to everyone. When O starts talking.

"So you're new here. Where did you come from?" O asks Lexa while raising her left eyebrow in curiosity. I notice the insecure expression, even though it was only for a split second, of fear, pure and utter fear. But of what... who? No one seemed to notice it except for me. I was in awe of how this girl sitting beside me managed to switch from emotion to nothingness just a blank face in the matter of milliseconds. But why? I had the urge to unlock all of this mysterious girl's secrets. Questions flooded my mind as I studied her face. I could see the gears shifting in her head. The surprisingly soft, steady, and calm voice pierced through my ears.

"I'm orginally from Ark, California. But I've move around from orphanage to orphanage ever since my parents died. I usually don't stay in the orphanage house because it gets crowded so I wonder around a lot." I frowned thinking how lonely and sad of a life she has lived so far. Yet she still wore a mask that sad 'I'm fine'! The whole table was dead silent. It seemed that everyone was processing what they just heard and realising the shit that Lexa as been through all by herself. I was the first to speak up.

"So do you have a permanent home anywhere?" She pondered the question and responded.

"No...not at the moment. But I hope to find one soon." She looked up at me with a glimmer of hope in her eyes, but just like last time it vanished in a heart beat. I was confused of why she looked at me like that. Like I had all the answers to her problems. Maybe I could let her st-- *RING*

Damn that stupid bell ruins everything. We walk out of the cafeteria and onto our last class of the day...finally. We say our goodbyes to each other and walk in different directions.

1 hour later•

I start to head towards home walking when I hear my name being called. I turn my head around in the direction of the voice. I see a brunette haired girl come running up to me in the distance. The figure becomes more clear and I realize that it's Lexa. Green eyes meet blue as she speaks.

"Clarke! Hey!" She says not even a bead of sweat on her forehead even though she just sprinted like 10 feet.

"Hey Lex! What's up?"

"Ummm...well I was wondering if you wanted to like hang out right now?" She looked down at the ground avoiding eye contact with me. But why? Ughh this girl I just want to know everything about her!! Crap she is waiting for an answer! Speak Clarke! Speak. What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. Me.

" of course Lex! Come on follow me." I turn and start walking not bothering to turn around because I know and can feel her presence. I text my mom letting her know that I'm bringing a friend over. I honestly dont expect to even get a reply and I was right. I hadn't even notice that it was silent because thoughts filled my head making a loud noise. Lexa wasn't really much of a talker anyways and that was fine by me because I'm a chatter. So I decided to do what I do best.

"So how was your 1st day at school?"

"Good. I hate homework already and the teachers can be bitches." I giggle at her response and look over at her catching her staring at me and smiling so big, sadly she quickly looked away and put on that fucking mask that I hate. The way she walked was nothing I've ever seen in my life. Her figure was flawless. The way she carried herself was so intimidating yet comforting. Like you felt the pull to do whatever she wanted you to do because you were scared of the consequences if you didn't, yet you felt calm and peaceful by the way her body emitted warmth from her, making it feel like she was your home. Her side profile was almost as flawless as her full front face. Her eyes...oh god dammit those eyes...I could try and try those eyes, but my drawings wouldn't do them justice. Green. Everywhere. The scent she gave off was so luring dragging you in to go take a dive. Her brown hair perfectly shaped her face. Oh and the way her jawline perfectly outlined her face taunting you to touch it or even---what?? What am I saying I've only known this girl for like 5 hours. But then again anyone with eyes could tell how stunning she was.

"Um, you're staring, Clarke." She smirked at me and starting blushing. Causing me to do the same. We had just reached my house which thankful saved me from continuing to make a fool out of myself.

"We're here!" I press the intercom button. "Hey Gus it's me!"

"Yes of course Miss Clarke. Where is your car though?

"Oh ha yes. Octavia is borrowing it for some unknown reason. All is well though." The gate opens and we walk up to the door. I managed to glance at Lexa in the corner of my eyes. I expected to see her jaw drop and eyes wide open, but nothing still that stupid ass mask. Is she not impressed? Has she seen better? Oh who cares anyways. You do Clarke. Shut up. I punch in the code and step in the house. Gus standing there greeting us with a smile.

"Hi Miss Clarke! Oh hi I'm Gus!" He says hapoiky sticking out his hand. Lexa looks at it for a second and snaps into place.

"Oh sorry hi I'm Lexa. Nice to meet you" She half smiles more like a grimace.

"Lexa, nice to meet you too. Well I will let you two girls be if you need anything just call me." He winks at us and vanishes.

"Why does he call you 'Miss'?" Lexa asks as soon as Gus is out of hearing range. I smile knowing how strange it might sound.

"Well, he is my butler here." I say flat out.

"Oh okay. Gotcha." No emotion....nothing at all. Not like a "what you have your own private butler!!" Or 'wow you are so rich it must be nice to have someone there to take care of you whenever'. Lexa was different, unique she didn't act like all the other people she had over her house for their first time. She was special.

"Yeah so wanna watch a movie?"


"How about Guardians of the Galaxy?"

"Sounds good."

We hop on the couch spread far apart. Like bug replant to each other. I turn on the movie and about an hour into it around 7:00pm I hear a door open and it's mom! I pause it and look up at her in excitement.

"Mom you're home early!"

"Hey princess! Yeah they let me off earlier. Oh you must be Lexa." She turns to look at Lexa and smiles.

"Yes I am, hi Mrs. Griffin." She smiled and waved still sitting on the couch.

"Oh please call me Abby! Well I'm going to ask Gus to start making us dinner. I just had the best idea! Lexa how about you join us and even have a little sleep over with Clarke...of course if your parents dont mind!" She said it so full of glee like a little child at Disneyland. I rolled mt eyes at the fact she just said 'sleepover' like we were 5 years old again, but Lexa seemed to stammer to her response taking in every word making sure she heard it correctly.

"Are you sure Mrs. G-- Abby? I don't want to be a bother."

"Oh pish posh! Of course you won't be! Please stay with us if not for the night at least dinner?" I decided to butt in.

"Lexa would gladly like to sleep at the house in my room Mom. Thanks. We will see you at the dinner table when Gus is ready." My mom gave a confused look to both of us and then just nodded and smiled and walked away.

"Thanks princess." I rolled my eyes at the nickname my mom gave me since I was 6 and playfully hit her arm. It was so strong holy crap. "So you want me to sleep with you tonight, huh Clarke?" She lifted her eyebrows up and down in a taunting way. "I mean we just met you couldve at least taken me out first." She winked at me and laughed. Which caused my stomach to spiral down into so many feelings I couldn't pick out one.

"Oh fuck you Lexa! Dont call me that" I laugh.

"So it's true then you just admit it! You Clarke Griffin want to fuck me?! Damn girl and didn't know you were like that. But sorry to burst your gay little bubble, but only date princesses." Okay my face was so red from anger and embarrassment. She left me speechless. This girl. I have never felt this way before this anyone male or female. I probably looked like a little child that just got its candy stolen from her.

This is going to be a long night.


Hey guys hoped you liked it! Thanks for reading. It was one of my longer ones. Please vote and comment! I love to talk to you guys and I'm always open for suggestions! Thanks!

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