Chapter 10

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I'm back bitches!

Clarke (POV)


I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran up to him and he embraced me in his arms.

"Hello Clarke. I've missed you. How is my little princess?" A look of concern and compassion plastered on his face.

"I miss you too! I'm just a little shaken. Who were those guys and what did they want with us?" I said looking back at Lexa and then to my dad.

"That's something to discuss at a different time." His voice stern and calm. "Its time we all head home."

He put his hand on my back and lightly guided me to the car with Lexa walking beside me. We both entered the back seats of the car, but not my dad. He walked over to a tall gentleman holding a gun and spoke to him. The car door was closed so I couldn't hear anything, but it didn't matter because as soon as I tried to listen my dad was already getting in the car. The look on the man's face was unreadable. Whatever my dad had said to the man, he understood he started walking away, but not before grabbing a couple more men that walked with him.

My dad drove off towards home. The whole drive was completely silent everyone trying to process what just had happened. I looked over at Lexa a few times and saw that she was lost in her own world drowning in her thoughts, lost. As she stared off out of the window at the passing trees and sky the look on her face was unreadable as well. I found myself frustrated again at not being able to comprehend or gain knowledge of Lexa's thoughts. That is the one of the most intriguing things I have wanted to know. The different emotions her face seemed to display all at once were so complex yet simple.

She looked over at me and saw me staring at her and she gave me a half smile. Like she knew. That I was in awe of her and wanting to understand her yet I couldn't do anything about it. I tilted my head to the side and just shook my head and looked outside the window in defeat. You won this time. But just wait.

I felt her staring at me longer than usual and I could feel a light heat rise and fill my cheeks and I tried to supress it but unfortunately failed. Before I knew it we had arrived at our house. Lexa and I got out of the car but my dad stayed in. He rolled down his window and spoke to us.

"I need to finish up some work I will be back later tonight." He caressed my cheek and gently rubbed his thumb against my skin and smiled. "I'm glad you are alright." He switched his attiention over to Lexa. "Both of you. It was nice finally meeting you Lexa. Abby has told me a lot of things about you."

"Good things I hope." Lexa responded.

"Only the best." My dad chuckled in return. "Lexa stay here I need to talk to you about a few things Clarke go ahead inside."

I raised my eyebrow in concern looking at Lexa, but not receiving any eye contact in return so I didn't object just kissed my dad on the cheek and headed inside. I reached for the door handle and turned it and pushed open the door. I found Gus sitting on the chair reading the morning newpaper. He looked up from the paper with his eyes wide and voice unstable.

"Clarke." He rose from his seat. "What happened? Are you okay?" He stroked my face carefully as if I was a fragile piece of china glass.

"I will explain everything at dinner tonight when everyone is here. I think I'm okay." I looked around my body at my legs and hands and noticed some bruises and cuts. "I'm going to head upstairs I'm good, Gus."

"Clarke you need to look in the mirror you are not fine." He walked into the kitchen to grab something and thats when I decided I would look.

I then walked over to the mirror in the downstairs bathroom and saw my reflection. I was taken back by it. Gus was right. I didn't realize how bad I looked. Nothing hurt but it looked has if I got jumped by ten strong men. My left eye was swollen and my bottom lip had been partially split open with dry blood stained. My right eyebrow had a deep cut on the top of it. My clothes were covered in filth and torn, but not completely shredded. I turned on the faucet and cupped my hands under the running water and splashed my face trying to wash off the dry blood that seemed to be everywhere. But my hands were trembling the shock starting to wear off as sat down on the cold tile floor while bringing my knees up to my chest and began to sob closing the door so no one could hear me. I heard footsteps approaching the door and I heard the door open. Expecting it was Gus and not wanting him to see me like this I burried my face in my hands.

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