Chapter 9

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Lexa (POV)


I screamed her name over and over again hoping that she could hear me as I pulled on my restraints to try and rip them off of me. All I wanted was to wrap my arms around her and comfort and whisper that everything is going to be okay to her. Seeing her weak and fragile shattered my heart. I saw her look up at me with nothing but fear and despair filling her eyes as they impaled mine. The dark bags under her eyes killed mine. With my own eyes I tried to tell her to stay strong. She seemed to understand me and nodded slightly. I released a breath of air I didn't know I needed to get rid of and looked away from Clarke and right at Pike with a death stare. He knocked on the window again and Clarke was gone...well the light in the room for me to see her shut off. Then he redirected his attiention to me and smirked.

"That was fun!" He announced as he clapped his hands together and walked towards me. I stayed silence and gave no expression except the one of death.

"Oooo the big scary death glare. I like this girl!"

Still nothing.

"Well maybe you will start talking if I bring these out."

A man in a white lab coat wheels in a silver table filled with torturing tools. The man stands next to the table setting out the tools perfectly. He stands still waiting for further direction from Pike. Pike has that evil grin plastered on his face.

"Ah thank you my good sir. Now we can get to the fun part. The torture. Now before we begin I would like you to know that these exact tactics were used on Clarke just mintues before you."

That hit a nerve and I rattled in the chair needing to get loose and wrap my hands around Pike's throat. This only made the man laugh and entertained.

"I can't wait to get started. But first there are more preparations to do" He rubbed his hands together back and forth like an evil villain. Both the man in the white lab coat and Pike exited the room shutting and locking the door behind them.

I glanced over at the corner of the wall after the guards and Pike exited the room and I looked over at the air vent. That was were I believed I could escape and be led to Clarke. That was my motivation and I kept staring at it as I managed to get out of my restraints with the help of a rusted nail that was conveniently there for me to rub my wrists against it, freeing them both. Next was my ankles that I just untied.

I rushed over to the air vent and pulled on it. It didn't move. I should've known that it wouldnt just pop open. I looked around the air vent and saw that it had screws in it and for it to move those needed to be unscrewed. I looked around and remembered the silver table that they wheeled in that had torturing tools on it and sure enough I found a screwdriver. Very ironic how the thing that was meant to torture me did the opposite, it helped me...escape. I laughed at the mere thought of it and the look on Pike's face when he discovered that I had escaped.

I rushed back to the air vent and crawled inside. I crawled for about a few feet with the screwdriver in my hands just in case I needed to defend myself or Clarke. I looked down and saw that I was above a different room. As best as I could I looked around to see if I saw Clarke, to my success I saw the shimmering blonde wavy hair that belonged to the girl I was searching for. Yet she looked more pale and draining more.

I grabbed the air vent sliding frame and opened it and placed the frame next to me. Then I skillfully climbing down from the top of the wall and landed on the floor silently. I looked over at Clarke and saw she hadn't noticed I was there. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She flinched making me frown and think of what all the horrible and traumatic things she has been put through because of me.

"Didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry Clarke for bringing you into this I will explain all of this at a later time, but right not we need to focus on an escape plan."

"It's fine. How did you get out?" She scans the room looking for the way I came when her eyes land on the open air vent. "Oh."

I just nod switching into my survival instincts mode and started undoing her restraints. But a noise distracts my task as I hear it and so does Clarke as she stares fearfully at the door. At first its muffled and then it sounds like gunshots and then silence for a mintue or so. We are both frozen not knowing what is happening and too physically and mentally exhausted to think clearly. Then all of a sudden the door burst opens and about ten men enter carrying guns and pointing at Clarke and I and some scanning the room for any possible threats. Then a tall thin middle aged man walks out behind the group and enters the room. He has a black suit and shoes with blue eyes...kind of like Clarke's except his are impossibly brighter, yet still hold that same sparkle. Brown hair and a little beard growing. Clarke seems to have a strange expression on her face as if she can't believe her eyes.

"Dad?!" Clarke questions.

This man is her father. The man I must gain trust over. The man I must spy on to succeed in mission. He is the key to everything.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! Tell me what I need to work on or what you want to see in the story in the comments. You guys are amazing!

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