The Breakdown- It was only the begining

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We took off with mom’s car. I know how to drive so getting there wouldn’t be a problem.

“Nique! Fasten your seatbelt!” Ciane asked, concerned.

“Seatbelts are for losers and besides I can’t wear my seatbelt, I don’t want my fats to get crushed. I’m surprised you’re in place.” Nique joked.

Ciane gave her a look and it’s called the Ciane look. When Ciane gives you that look, you should do what she says before she eats you alive.  Nique started to freak out and so she fastened her seatbelt.  After everyone was in place, I started the engine and drove. It only took us 30 minutes to get there but for me, it was a long ride.

“Were here!” Kayla shrieked.


I tried to cheer myself but I just couldn’t. Caleb was leaving and even though we only had a few days to spend together, it felt like forever. I wanted him to stay here so I could just hold him but this is college we’re talking about, it’s about his future. He wanted to major in Literature, Tom wanted to be an engineer and Brad wanted to be a doctor.

Of course, they would continue in making music but for now, they had to go to college to experience what normal kids do.

“Axel, you okay?” Nique shook my shoulder. I nodded my head.

“You better be.”

We went to where the boys were. There he was standing tall.


“Hey!” Tom yelled. Everyone hugged each other and gave each other a peck on the cheek, I, on the other hand, just stood there watching them in action as if it were a dramatic movie.

“Hey, where’s your mom?” Ciane asked.

“Oh, she went to Thailand to visit our grandma.” Caleb answered.

“Good bye.” I told Caleb.

“Bye. I’ll miss you.” He kissed me on the cheek and then hugged me. I blushed.  I hugged him really tight until Tom interrupted us.

“Err, it’s time to leave, Caleb.”

We broke off, everyone smiled and I blushed even more. Caleb took his huge bag and carried it. Tom, Brad and Caleb walked towards the open door. He stopped and turned to me. He looked at me intensely and winked.

He winked.

I flinched and blushed.


I started the engine of the car to go home. Ciane looked catastrophic because she cried 3 minutes ago. Everyone tried to calm her down, she too tried to stop herself from flooding the car with her tears but no one could stop her from missing Tom.

“Don’t worry, you’ll see each other again.” I tried to show sympathy.

“You’re right.” She said then sniffed.

While we were on our way, out of the university entrance, something exploded... in the car. I freaked out. This is my mom’s car, if anything happens to it, I’ll be doomed.

I went out to check and it turns out that the tire exploded. This can’t be happening.

“Oh, no no no.”

“What happened?” Kayla asked, looking so innocent.

“We need to hitch a ride.” I said, disappointed.

Ciane sighed, Nique shrugged and Kayla looked confused. They went out of the car and stood beside me. We made hand gestures to catch the drivers’ attention but they ignored us. I was on the brink of crying when a van stopped in front of us. It was white and it looked like they just bought it. The door opened and a really attractive guy came out followed by 3 other boys.

“So, you need a ride?” The guy, who first came out, asked.

The four of us nodded our heads.

“Well, come on then.” We followed.

“Wait, we can’t trust this guy.” Ciane whispered. I had to agree with what she said but it was getting dark and if we don’t find a ride, we’ll turn into dead penguins because it’s November and it’s almost winter.

“Don’t worry, they won’t hurt us.” I told her.

“How do you know?” Ciane asked.

“I just know.”

The van was huge. There was an acoustic guitar, lying on the floor and a bass guitar hanging on the wall.

“Are you guys on tour?” It was obvious that they were a band and they were on tour but I wanted to make sure.

“Yeah.” The boy answered. He had black hair and the rock star kind of hair style but he looked really great and he does not look emo.

“Cool, what are you guys called?”

“We’re The Main Blow.” He answered.

“Cool. So, where are you guys headed?” I asked.

“We’re on our way to The Claudius Stadium.”

“Really? We live near that place!” I exclaimed.

“That’s cool!” A guy from the back shouted. He was blonde and he had shoulder-length hair.

“You girls look familiar.”

“We do?” I asked, out of curiosity.

“Wait, you’re the bassist and the vocalist of Mischievous Ministry!” The blonde guy shouted.

“Err, we’re called the Mischief Ministry.” I corrected him.

“That’s great!” the black haired guy said.

“Oh, I’m Teddy, the blonde dick is Claude, and the other two are Vanz and Will.”  The black haired guy added.


“You’re axel. I know your names. We know who you girls are. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled.

“Yeah.” I smiled back. I noticed Kayla and Nique staring at Vanz and Will.

“We should go on a tour together!!” Vanz shouted.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

“Yeah, I think we should.” 

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