Chapter 5: Ouch

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You are sitting in the academy in the back of the room, with your hood up and your bangs covering your face, Isao had healed your face, but there is a scar there now. It wasn't a ugly one but it was embarrassing to have seen. You were still cover in bruises and cuts, even though Isao had tried to heal you but you were just not healing. You look around to see that Iruka was still talking. A knock at the door is heard. They are extremely loud knocks.

"Uh... Come in?" Iruka says. The door slides open. You see the two Jonin.

"Uh can I help you two?" Iruka says. You merely stand up.

"Oh Nori, hurry up now." One of the Jonin say.

"Iruka, the Hokage has asked us to pull her out for the rest of the day, he said he was having some thoughts one whether she should be here or if she should take the Genin test early." One of the Jonin say as you walk towards them and pass Iruka.

"Why didn't Lord Third tell me about this?" Iruka asks.

"We are sorry but our business with her is a private matter, if she chooses to share then that is up to her." One of the Jonin say. You are facing away from everyone that might be trying to look at your face, your normal eyepatch is over your eye, but your bangs are covering over top of it and your whole left side of your face. You look over your shoulder at Iruka he just nods.

"I guess she may leave, she is already finished her work anyways. Nori, there is a test tomorrow, on the transformation Jutsu." Iruka says. You just nod and walk past the two Jonin. You hear whispering,

"How come she is always finished before us?"

"Yeah and it is either high ranked shinobi or Lord Danzō taking her from class, too" another kid says, as you exit the room with the two Jonin. You are angry, but you keep your calm. You look towards the two Jonin and pull down your hood.

"About time, it was getting boring you know." You say smartly.

"Well we were excited to come and get you, but Lord third told us to wait" the Jonin on the right says.

"Oh, so what are your guy's names anyways?" You ask as the three of you exit the academy.

"My name is Kotetsu and his name is Izumo."

"Wait that means your Chūnin then, there are no Jonin with that name." You facepalm.

"What how did you? Nevermind." Izumo says. Kotetsu bursts out into laughter. You touch their arms then the three of you teleport. You are outside an Anbu training area.

"Why the heck are we here? We aren't supposed to be anywhere near here" Kotetsu yells. You sweat drop.

"But I wanted to bring you guys in the easy way." You pout.

"Nope not happening, Nori. You're an Anbu..." Kotetsu starts.

"A captain to be specific." Izumo adds. You grab them and appear on a regular training field.

"Better?" You ask. They nod. You are just going to work on your Taijutsu till you want to use ninjutsu.

Time skip...

You stand panting for breath. Kotetsu and Izumo have been gone for at least two hours by now. It is now about six maybe seven o'clock in the evening. You grip your head when a flash of the colour blood red dance across your line of vision. You fall onto your knees and hands. You look at the ground in front of you.

"What?" You mutter to yourself. You then stand up and look towards the dumbies. You see the colour red on them, your vision is hazy. But you know one thing, you weren't practicing with dumbies. You do the hand signs to get out of the Genjutsu but nothing is working. Suddenly Itachi comes into view.

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