What you do together

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You love those romantic evenings with steve. Being the gentleman he is, you two would go out for dinner, watch movies from his time and dance to slow music.

When you two are alone you always start to gossip about the other avengers or random people. But sometimes when he's more romantic, he flies over new york city at night with you in his arms.

He loves to teach you archery. You are pretty good at it and when you hit the center of the target he would swoop you up and kiss you.

You both love going through the asgardian gardens because there are thousands of beautiful flowers in all colours. Once you saw a beautiful (e/c) flower and Thor said you are more beautiful than any flower in all realms and you blushed.

You love doing science. Bruce always shows you the best science tricks and he loves how your eyes sparkle when he does.

You train hand to hand combat. Nat always goes a bit easy on you wich annoys you and when you tell her to be serious she has you pinned to the floor within the next few seconds. You always laugh and kiss her afterwards.

You play different sports. For example basketball. Bucky loves how fast you are and you love how Bucky uses his metal arm since he rarely uses it.

You prank people. Being the trickster he is he always has the best pranks and jokes. You two replaced bruces chemicals with explosive chemicals once and it ended with Bruce hulking out and you two laughing like maniacs because tony was screaming like a girl.

You love running with him. You're obviously not as fast as him but you love how he runs in circles around you when he's bored and he loves when you wear a tank top and shorts.;)

You two love watching the stars together. You often get mountains of blankets and go to the roof of stark tower. Even if the stars aren't clearly visible because of the city lights, wanda uses her magic to create a few red stars above you. She loves to see you happy.

Thanks for reading.:3

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