They walk in on you

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Contains language

You just finished your shower and went to your and steve's shared bedroom to get some clothes on. You only managed to get your black lace panty on before the door opened. "(Y/n) have you seen my-" He stopped dead in his tracks. You quickly covered your chest and giggled. "I'm- oh my...I'm so sorry!!" He quickly left the room. You laughed to yourself. Steve Rogers could handle the most scariest enemies but couldn't handle his girlfriends chest. How cute.

You were in the middle of a shower, thanks to tony who had accidentaly dumped a bucket of red paint on you. He wanted to polish his new suit with red paint when he ran into you.
You sighed and rubbed your arms under the hot water when suddenly the door opened. "Hey babe do you need any tow-"
Tony said before he stopped and looked at your butt since Your back was turned to him. "TONY GET THE FUCK OUT!!" You screamed trying to cover yourself. Tony smirked. "You know (Y/n)..." He took off his shirt. "You also got paint on your back. How bout I help you clean up?" You sighed and rolled with it as he stepped in the shower. (I mean come on he's Tony freaking stark what did you expect xD)

You both finally decided to go swimming. Nothing too fancy you just asked tony about using his pool. The other avenvers were coming too. You and Clint were getting ready but you were also growing impatient. You tried to tie your red bikini top behind your back but it would fall down every time. "Cliiint!" You said loudly. He was there in an instant. "What is- ...oh my." "Could you tie my bikini top? I can't do it." "S-sure." He reached for your back and tied it with shaky fingers. "Thanks! Now let's go I can't wait for swimming!" You kissed his cheek and ran out of the room leaving a blushing and laughing clint behind.

Thor had finally taken you to asgard since he wanted you to meet his parents. You loved Asgard and Thors parents thought you were a worthy partner. After you chatted a little bit with his mother Frigga, she insisted that you should try an asgardian robe. She desperately wanted to see you in asgardian clothing so she gave you a beautiful (f/c) dress and a room to change in.
You didn't mind so you started undressing. You had already removed everything except your panties but before you had the chance to take the dress the door opened. "My lad- " You squeaked but calmed down once you saw it was thor. "Yes Thor?" He stared at you wide eyed while you just gave him a confused look. You weren't ashamed of your body so you simply let your hair cover your breasts. It wasn't a big deal. (if You have shorter hair do nothing just stand there;) ) "M-my l-lady I j-j-just wanted to see if y-you needed anything b-but it appears that you a-are fine. But I must are beautiful like a goddess." "Thanks Thor!" You giggled. He closed the door and you continued.

You sighed in frustration. The day started really good when you told bruce you'd get coffee since you were kinda tired. You were on your way back when tony suddenly ran into you. You screamed and the coffee spilled on one of bruces important experiments. Your eyes widened and you ran a shaky hand through your hair. Not only the experiment but your clothes were ruined. You decided to tell bruce the cowardly way. You wrote "I'm so sorry sweety but I accidentaly spilled coffee over your experiment. I'll make it up to you somehow. 💜" on a note and left it on his desk. You threw the remains of the experiment away and left to your room to change.
Now you were standing by your closet choosing what to wear. You only had your pants on when you suddenly heard angry loud steps coming towards the bedroom. There goes nothing. You thought. You wanted to pull a shirt over your head when the door opened without warning. An angry bruce stepped in, his eyes had a slight green tint.
"(Y/n) why the hel-" He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at your exposed chest. His face went from angry to panicked and he quickly left. "I'll make it up to you I promise brucie!"
"Y-you just d-did..."


You just finished training with Natasha and changed out of your sweaty clothes. Nat was also changing. When she was standing behind you she slapped your butt. You squeaked "N-nat! Stop that!" She smirked. "Sorry hon. Had to."

You were running laps with Steve, Bucky and Sam. Sam and you were slower and you always giggled when steve said 'on your left' and Bucky 'on your right' because it ticked sam off pretty much.
They ran past you again you started daydreaming, a habit of yours. You were so deep in thought that you didn't notice Bucky on your right. He put a hand on your shoulder and whispered in your ear. "On your right." You almost jumped out of your skin and screamed. You tripped and fell on your hands and butt. Bucky imediately rushed to your side. "Oh god (Y/n) i'm so sorry! Are you okay?" You groaned in response. "Okay stupid question . " He apologised to sam and steve and carried you to your shared apartment. He brought you in the bedroom to change into something loose while he got bandages. Your hands were bloody and you were pretty sure you had a bad wound on your butt. You sighed and pulled your shorts down a bit and called Bucky. When he came in you asked if there was a wound. He blushed beet red but quickly pulled himself together when he saw a big purple bruise. He helped you clean your wounds and let you rest without saying a single word. His face was redder than the red part of the american flag though.

You stomped in your room angrily. Your boyfriend, the god of mischief, had played the most emberassing prank on you. You wanted him to meet your parents and when they weren't looking he dumped a bucket of something sticky on you. The worst parts were that you had to explain where that bucket came from AND that stuff was white and sticky as hell. You didn't even want to know what it was. When you were in the bathroom you had a lot of problems stripping your clothes off, but made it after a few tries.

Loki wanted to apologise because your parents were mad at him and he didn't want them to think bad of him. He knew where you were, and so he just teleported himself in the bathroom. He almost gasped when he saw you. You were in the shower, only the sticky goo covering parts like your tights or spots on the arms. Some parts were full of goo strings that ran down your chest and between your fingers. You were panting from exhaustion, trying to pry the stuff off you and the room was steamy because of the shower. The sight wasn't disgusting to Loki at ALL. He couldn't have been more turned on at the moment. He vanished after a few seconds and teleported himself in his room, thinking about the things he just saw.

You were quickly running down the hall, a lot of papers and formulars in your hand. You overslept for about 2 HOURS and your boss would murder you if you didn't get him those papers. You were so stessed that you didn't even put underwear on. And even worse, you wore a skirt. At least it wasn't too short. After you set the papers on his desk you made your way back to your room. (Your room was in stark tower and your boss was Tony). You were quietly walking back when something zoomed past you, making your skirt fly up. You squeaked and quickly pulled it down. In front of you was a very blushing Pietro. You relaxed and laughed. "What? Afraid of your own girlfriend?" You teased. His face suddenly turned into a smirk. He picked you up bridal style. "Last chance babe." He said. You kissed him. "Last chance...missed." He said before he zoomed to your room.

You two simply weren't ashamed of your bodies so you didn't care if you saw each other naked.

Hope you liked it xD

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