Steve: Break up

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You always were a calm person. You tried to talk fights out rather than lose your cool. But Steve shouting at you for something that wasn't your fault pissed you off pretty much.
"Oh come ON!" You shouted as you stomped in your shared apartment. Steve and you were out to catch bucky but when Steve almost had him by the shoulder you accidentally shot and hit Steves hand. It wasn't a big wound, it just bleeded. But this caused Steve to flinch back and drop bucky, who vanished in the streets in a few seconds. You tried to apologised but Steve just walked past you, a disappointed look on his face.
While you went home the argument got more rough and soon you both were shouting.
"I said I was sorry okay? It was an accident! No need to yell at me like that!" You groaned as you flopped face first on the couch. Steve sat on the other side of the couch, arms crossed. "I'm not mad about the wound (Y/n)! You should have focused more!" Your eye twitched. "Well YOU let him go!" "YOU made me!" Steve stood up. "We Almost had him (y/n)!! Can't you see how important bucky is to me?! I expected a little more (y/n)." You felt more sad than angry, and stood up while giving him the most serious look. Your voice was calm. "What is more important to you...that bucky got away because of a mistake or that you hurt me?" Steve stood still. "He should be here now..." Steve mumbled, but you still heard. Your eyes watered and you walked out the door. "Then get bucky but don't expect me to come back because I'm no help anyway. I never asked you to choose between me or bucky because I know how much he means to you but it would have been nice to get a 'thank you'. I tried my best you know..." Then you left with teary eyes.

Hope you liked it :L
Next one : Tony

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