suGaR RuSh (stEve)

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Soooooo this part is about the reader being childish and stuff. Had too much sugar and stuff. NyoOOOom :>

Steve was innocently walking to your shared room, not knowing about the empty candy bag in the kitchen. He came back from an exhausting mission and all he wanted was to spend time with his beautiful girlfriend and sleep. (Y/n) was having none of that. Not like she didn't want to see her boyfriend, but, you see, she was hyped af. That afternoon she was bored and accidentally found a huge bag of candy in their kitchen. She remembered that she bought it a while ago and smiled mischievously. Then it was evening, the empty bag long forgotten in the kitchen, and (Y/n) was hiding under the bed, laughing and giggling to herself. She was waiting for Steve to come back and quiet down when she heared Steve enter the room. Slapping her hands over her mouth she tried not to burst out laughing for whatever reason.
"(Y/n), love?" Steve called sleepily and looked around. (Y/n) saw the soldiers boots right in front of the bed and knew this was her chance.
"NyoOOOom!!!!!" (Y/n) suddenly screeched while grabbing Steve's boots. Steve instinctively jumped away and got his shield ready. But after seeing the smaller hands dissappear under the bed and hearing the hysterical laughter he sighed and smiled gladly. Putting his shield down on the ground he walked over to the bed and crouched down, seeing sparkling eyes and a shit-eating grin.
"What are you doing down there, love?" Steve asked amused.
"StEvE wHaT iF AmErica hAd a PiNk fLaG wOuLd yOu Run AroUnD SaVinG pEopLe wItH a pInk sHiNy cosTuMe tHat wOuLd b GAy AF" (Y/n) continued to mumble weird shit and Steve sighed with a tortured smile. "Well then~" Steve gently pulled her out from under the bed and held her in his arms while she was giggling and kissing his face. "You've had too much sugar, didn't you?" the girl only nodded excitedly and Steve chuckled. "Well then m'lady, would you allow me to take you out?" "YeS yEs! ✨ "
In the end both of them fell asleep in the movie theater and had to be woken up by some staff. Stupid feks :>

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