Chapter 4

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I opened her bedroom door she was lying on the bed she had a pillow in her hand and she was hiding her face with that she was crying like a child, great what to do now?

“Hey Eve?” I tried to talk to her.

“Please just leave me alone” she snapped back.

“We can talk.” I suggested.

“Leave me alone please.” But she was acting stubbornly so I closed the door and went outside. Why the hell she was crying? Why wasn’t she happy living here, in a palace. And if she is not why didn’t she try to run away. Of course she was happy. That’s it I am going to talk to her. I opened her room she was still on the bed hugging the pillow but now she was very quiet. I checked over her, she was sleeping. So I went to my bed room and started watching TV after 2 hours I got bored so I went to check on her once again. Again I found her sleeping so I went to the gym to take out my frustration. After 15 minutes I saw her in the garden through the glass wall of the gym room she couldn’t see me.

I took a shower as quick as I could. Changed and went out, she was swinging on a swing so I sat next to her. She seemed like she didn’t notice me at all.

“Hey I am sorry.” I said apologetically. She didn’t say anything.

“Are you feeling better?” this time she nodded and said,


“Do you want to talk?” I was feeling a little success at least she responded so I asked another question.

“No.” she said plainly.

“Want to eat something?” I asked again and this time she took a deep breath and said,

“I want to eat ice cream and watch a cartoon movie.”

“Oh ok what’s your age again?” She went on silent so I thought it’s not a good time for teasing.

“Anyways let’s go get you some ice cream. Which flavor? Let me guess strawberry?”

“Chocolate and I want some chips too.”

“Ok let’s see if Albert can provide us with that.” Luckily he did. I decided to have the same for myself. We sat in TV launch I asked her which movie she wants to watch and she said, “Beauty and the beast.”

Perfect pick considering the situation. I thought sarcastically. She grabbed a cushion. When the dance scenes came she started playing with her hair. When the end came she was literally hugging the cushion. After we had watched beauty and the beast she asked me to pick one movie

"Let’s watch wrong turn." I suggested

"Yah aah.. why don’t you watch it, I just remember something I had to do."

"Huh! What? Ok then I am not watching it either." I announced.

"Hey no its ok you go ahead have a good time." She tried to convince me but I had made up my mind.

"No ways I’m not watching it end of the topic." I said.

"Hmm as you wish." She gave up.

"Where are you heading anyway?"

"To my room." She said reluctantly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Aa I have to do some work."

Some work? What work? That’s just the lamest excuse, I thought.

"Let me help you." I said I wanted to know what was going in her mind. Was she trying to plan an escape?

"No! Ahh I mean you know, I.... I don’t want you to get bored."

"I won’t get bored we can talk." I can’t leave her alone. She will only end up getting herself into trouble.

"Okay...." she finally accepted my offer.

We went to her room she asked me to sit so I sat on her bed. She was standing in front of me avoiding eye contacts.

"Are you ok?" I asked her feeling a little confused.

"I’m sorry I mean ... you know I ... I don’t have anything to do."

"I m confused. But you just said…" she cut off me in the middle of my sentence.

"I didn’t want to see that movie I  ...I am aa kind of... I don’t like zombie movies." she was blushing and that made me burst into laughter.

"Ok so that’s why you just ran off." I said laughing over her childish behavior

"Hey I didn’t run off." She fought back.

"Are you afraid of vampires too?" I asked trying to control my laughter.

"No ways I am obsessed with them."

 That brought a wicked smile on my face which made her blush even more.

"I mean I, I like there movies." She tried to explain herself.

"Will you stand there only?" I asked.

She quietly sat on the other side of the bed.

"Can I ask you a question?" the question was burning in me and I had to ask it

"What?" she asked

"Why did you pick beauty and the beast?”

She smiled. "Why! I guess you took it a little personally huh?"

"Don’t ask question on my questions." I got irritated.

"Forget it why would you understand me you don’t even know how it feels to live against your will."

Eve’s P.O.V

I looked away angrily but I could feel his eyes burning on me. I tried to ignore but he kept on looking so I turned and said,


His eyes were bloodshot he looked a little hurt and he was full of rage for a little moment I felt guilty it’s like I said something terrible he kept on staring for a while then looked away and said, "Nothing." and left the room.

Other P.O.V

“Where can she be?”Mrs. Filtn asked, crying, her eyes were red rimmed and swollen.

“May be we should inform the police.”Mr. Filtn stood up walking towards the phone.

“The police? Do you think she has been…………. kidnapped?” Mrs. Filtn said hesitantly, sounding scared. Marla sat beside Mrs. Filtn trying to comfort her.

“I don’t know, she should have been returned home or called us by now she never stayed away from home without informing.” Mr. Filtn replied, worried himself.

“I think Mr. Filtn is right you should call police it’s about a whole day.” Marla suggested

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