New Friend

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I woke up from the sound of Ronda calling my name. I rolled over to see Ronda at the door.

"Siraj.... Siraj babydoll wake up. You have to go to school." She explained.

"Yes ma'am" I replied in my sleepy voice. The sun beamed in from the window,almost blinding me. I pulled the cover over my face. After a few seconds, I decided to finially get up.

After I took a shower and took care of my hygiene routine I searched for clothes to wear on the first day. To be honest, I didnt feel good with my wardrobe. I sighed in frustration. I heard a knock at the door. I had a rob on so I just told them to come in.

"Hi Raj!" Caylee squealed.

"Hey Cay" I greeted.

"Whats wrong? I heard you sighing and stuff?"

"I realy dont want to wear any of this... I cant find anything to wear." I admited.

"Well you can borrow one of my outfits. Mom is making us take you shopping later so you shouldnt worry." Caylee said.

"Wow Caylee, thanks. You didnt have to"

"Its all good. Come on."

I walked into her room. I was right, she was a cheerleader. Trophies covered her room, pictures of her and other people covered the walls. I could tell she was social.

"Well here we are. My closet, well go ahead and get something. I'll be downstairs" she said.

"Thanks Cay"

I looked around. I found a tie dye sweater that had "Ratchet" writen across it. I got it and walked back into my room and put on some black skinny jeans and some Jordans.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I admired my golden brown skin I got from my Persian and African american background. My hair was thick and wavey. I felt cute today. I usualy didnt scence my usual outfits were hand-me-down. I was glad to have some clothes that wernt used by 3 other girls.

After I was done getting reasy I went downstairs.

"Good morning Chres" I greeted.

"Good Morning Raj" He said.He smiled at me. He was pretty cool. He realy treated me like I was his sister.

"Come on guys, we still have to get Rayan and Kimmy" Caylee said. We walked to Chresanto's car and got in. I got in back while they were in the front seats. A few min later we arrived at a house. A girl ran out. She looked like a blasian. She hopped into the car.

"Hey Santo, hey babe, hey you must be Siraj" she smiled. I nodded

"Kimmy this is our new sister Siraj, Raj this is my girlfriend Kimmy" Caylee introduced.

"Hi" I said. She smiled. Santo drove to another house. This time, a boy came out. He had 2 long braids. I must say, he was sexy. He got in the car and sat on the other side of me.

" Whatsup" he said.

"I believe we never met, im Rayan. But its Ray 2wice if you nasty." He joked.

"Siraj" I replied.

"Ray could you not creep on my sister" Caylee said.

"She aint complaining." Ray smirked

"Raj, dont pay him any attention" Chres laughed.

Moments later, we arrived infront of a school. Caylee and Kimmy agreed to walk me to the office. I got my schedual and realized I had my homeroom with Caylee & Chresanto. I walked into homeroom and the teacher instantly stopped me.

"Siraj Cline.... Welcome" she greeted.

"Class we have a new student, Siraj. Make her feel welcome ok children" she smiled. Chres pointed at a seat next to him, Caylee and Rayan.

"Schedual" Ray said. I handed it to him.

"Well looks like you have a class with me and Craig."

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Dont worry, he with us"


"I'll walk you to class."

"Thanks because im gonna get lost in this big ass school."

"I got you, Ma" she said. I blushed.

* * * *

It was time for lunch. I couldnt find anyone I knew. Look at my loner ass. As I walk confused through the hall to find the luch room, I bumped into someone. I ended up on the floor, his drink spilled over the floor around me and over him. People snickered at us.

"Aww shit man" he said as the drink dripped down his shirt. I looked up at him. He looked down and saw my eyes watering. I wasnt the type to cry but I thought he would try to curse me out or hit me.

"Im sorry." I said. His facial expression softened. He helped me up.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah. I was just lost and wasnt paying attention." I explained.

"I'll show you since I was going there anyway.Just let me stop to my locker for a spear shirt"

"Ok. Thanks. Im Siraj"

"Well Siraj, You owe me a soda"

I reached into my pocket and gave him a dollar.

"Naw i was just kidding. You can keep it." He gave me my money back. We finially got to his locker. He opened it up and pulled out a shirt. He stripped out of the one he had on, revealing his golden abbs. He put on the clean shirt then shut his locker.

"Sorry for the strip tease" he chuckled. I blushed at the thought of his well sculpted abbs.

"Trust me, there is no need to be sorry."

" I never saw you before, you new?"

"Yeah, I just.... Yeah"

"I've seen you with Rayan earlier. Thats your boyfriend or ...." He trailed off the sentence, waiting on an anwer.

"NO.... He is my brother Chresanto's friend." I answered.

"Owh cool because i'de be salty if you had a boyfriend" he said. I laughed. He smiled showing his dimple and braces.

We got in the Cafeteria and we got our trays. I was about to sit at a table by myself until Arron called my name.

"Siraj, Were you goin. Come on, im not gonna let you sit alone."

I got up and sat by him. We ate and then I got a text from Caylee telling me that she had to stay in class to finish her project so she wouldnt be at lunch. I was kinda happy I met Arron. He seemed cool.

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