Bad Dream Bad reality

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She sat on the french stool in her pink silk gown at her mirror. Her graceful angelic voice sung a sweet song in my ear as she brushed her shoulder lenth hair. The 7 year-old me, smiled at her. I joined in singing with her.

"My lovebug can sing" she said. I cheesed showing my missing teeth.

"Just like you mommy."

"Let go see what daddy is up to"

"Ok" I hopped up from my seat and grabbed her hand. We walked into their master bed room, fit for royalty.

"Princess Siraj has entered the palace." My father said dramaticly. I jumped in bed with him and my mother followed. We watched movies until my tiered eyes closed and I drifted asleep. My father lifted me up and took me to my room and placed me in ny bed. Before leaving, he kissed my forehead and said a prayer.

"Good Night daddy.... Love you lots" I mummbled after waking up.

"Good Night Princess. Love you too."

He walked out the door of my room and I went back to sleep.

I was awoken by a loud BANG. I jumped up.

"Pa Pa..... Mommy?" I called. There was no answer. I then heard the blood curdling screams of my mother. I got up after I heard footsteps disappear out of our house. I ran into the kitchen. I slipped and caught myself by holding onto the wall. When I got to my feet, I noticed my white socks were covered in blood. Tears ran down my cheek as I saw the horrible sight of my parents dead. Shot on our Masion. I screamed and hugged their lifeless bodies.

"Mommy , Pa Pa!" I shouted. My father groaned in pain. He was still alive.

"Love is for eternity. I'll always be there. Even when you cant see me. Protect your future family. I love you Siraj" he said slowly, gasping for air then he started spiting up blood.

I paniced. The room spent. I fell to the floor and saw the wall. "DONE" was writen across it. That ment they wiped out everyone in my Mob family.

My father taught me what to do in these situations.NEVER called the cops first if the person was dead. I got the phone and called my family, Uncle Tino, Uncle Sam, Uncle Bull & Aunt Rita. No answer. I know what that ment, everyone was dead. They're are gone. I paniced. The room spent. I fell to the floor. My breathing got rough I felt like I was dien.

I jumped up from my bed. It was another flashback dream. I got up and ran to the bathroom and hovered over my sink. I gasped for air. I felt realy hot and dizzy.I suddenly felt sick and ran to the toilet. All my stomach's content came out. I flushed the toilet. Once I finialy got my breathing on track I got up and brushed my teeth and threw on some sweats. I looked at my phone, 1:56 . Nobody was home. Caylee was at Kimmy's, Chres was with some friends, and Ronda & Kevin went on a bussiness trip.It was late at night, but I needed air. I walked outside and began to walk. I called Ray hoping he would answer. In luck he did.

"Whassup Raj??" He greeted with a sexy sleepy tone.

"Umm. I need someone to talk to." I said. In the back of my mind, I wished he would be avalible.

"Come over to my house. Come through the back door." He said. I finialy got to his house and went in the backdoor wich was connected to his room. I walked in and saw him on his bed. His hair was open and puffy. His eyes were almost close.

He pat the spot beside him. I got beside him, sliding off my boots.

"So whatsup with you " he asked.

"Had an Anxiety Attack after this flashback I had" I wiped my face.

"Are you ok" he asked. I nodded my head.

"What do you mean a flashback?"

"Of the day my parents were murdered." I mummbled.

"Im sorry for asking. I know how you get when you miss them."

"I just... I cant keep anyone I love. I lost everything at once. My family, my friends, my life! All in 1 night. I had to start all over agian. Im just scared i'll lose you too. I guess thats why your the first one I called" I admited. Ray wrapped his arms around me as I hugged him tight. I didnt want to let him go. When I did he grabed my hand. He looked at my arm and his eyes widen. He saw my cut scar. Yes its just one. I did it once.

"Did you do this..... to yourself ?" He asked. I looked up at him.

"Yeah. Once, I was mad at the world and at myself. Plus someone at the home pushed me to the edge one night... I tried it. Dont worry. I stopped after one time. I noticed that shit hurt and I stoped. Raj and sharp things dont mix" I said. I fliped my ponytail to ease the moment. He chuckled but his face went back seriouse.

"Look Siraj, nobody is going to treat you right if you cant treat yourself right. Nobody is going to love you like you love you. You gotta love yourself. No matter what, You gotta love what you see in the mirror. Promise me you aint gonna do that again." His eyes pierced into my soul as he looked at me with his soft brown eyes.

"Promise." He lifted out his pinky. I intertwined our pinkys and he smiled. I kissed him.

"You cute, You cute" I said. He laughed. I put my hand under his pillow and pulled out a bag of cheetos.

"Realy, yo ass was snacking before I got here."


"Annndd you aint gonna share? Realy my niggs."

He did shrugged and I playfully hit him

"Your so diffrent. One moment, you have me laughing then you save me when im falling."

He leaned in closer.

"Maybe because Im falling for you" he admited. My heart pounded. My cheeks flushed red. He moved my hair out of my face.

"Im Falling too.... I never thought this would happen. But it did" I said. We stared at eachother for a good minute. He got closer and looked at my lips then gave me a gentle kiss. As our lips moved in synce, I climbed onto his lap. I deepened the kiss. He pulled me closer. His tounge slid across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him in and our inocent kiss turned passionate and heated. His hand slid down from my waist to my butt. He began to kiss my neck. I moaned into his ear. He removed my shirt and kissed my chest. I looked into his eyes. He could tell I was nervous.

"Relax. Just tell me if you want me to stop."

His sweet kisses trailed my body as he slipped of my clothes. He entered me slowly as I took in his full length. The sond of moans of pleasure filled the room. At the end of the night, I ended up loosing my virginity to the boy I loved since day 1.

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