New Family

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"Oh come on Raj, you dont look happy" Mrs.Carlton said as we went on this exhausting car ride.

I sarcasticly smiled, showing my pearly whites than continued to look out the window of her truck.

"Siraj, most girls in the system would be glad to get a new home." She preached. I tuned her out.

I was 16, why would someone adopt a child to only have them for 2 years? I didnt trust that at all. My friend Trudy was shipped off last year when she turned 16, she was so happy, promised to call and everything. She did. But a then they stopped. She told us before that her adopted parents were a little strict. But one night, we found out that they were more than "a little strict". Trudy called Mrs.Carlton at 2 am to come get her from the hospital. Turns out, all her new parents did was abuse her mentaly, physicaly, and sexualy. Trudy was beautiful. She was Persian with beautiful features. She had long flowing hair that I admired. She was stunning. But when we visited her in the hospital, I saw a whole new person. It was like they killed her spirit.

From that day forward I didnt want to leave the home. I didnt want to be adopted anymore. I rather be alone.

"Awh, I see, your still scared from the Trudy thing?" She asked.

"Yes, to be honest. I realy dont care to be adopted. " I answered.

"Look, I understand your scared but-"

"Im not scared. To be scared, I must have fear. And I will not live with fear in my heart." I interupted. My father taught me not to fear others,Maybe their capabilities, but not them as a person.

"Oh dear. You and this tough act must stop" Mrs.Carlton started "You too tough for your own good "

I rolled my eyes. She always give me this speach.

"The Augusts' are a good family. They have twins your age."

"Well atleast I'll have a friend."

"Ronda & Kevin are good people. I know them. Their twins Chesanto and Caylee are popular around the town. They could introduce you to knew people. "

"I guess" I agreed. Maybe this will be good for me.

We pulled up to a nice size house. It was two storys tall and was pretty big, not too big.

"Here we are Raj. Get your bags. " Mrs.C instructed.

She got out and walked to the door. Out came 2 adults whom I assume was Ronda and Kevin. Behind them was 2 kids about my age. The boy was built, beyond fine, had short colored curls. The girl had long straight hair, she was very pretty with a friendly happy-go-lucky smile. Her smile greeted me as she basicly skipped to the car as if she knew me forever.

I walked over to them with 2 of my bags. Mrs.C pulled me into a hug then released me.

"This is Siraj, I believe the children havent met her yet." Mrs.C introduced me. Everyone said hello.

"Hi, thanks for.... Well having me" I didnt realy know what to say. They giggled.

"Hello Siraj, welcome to your new home. We were waiting for you. We prepaired you a meal and everything. Chres & Cay go help her with her bags. Caylee will take you to your room." Ronda said.

"Ok, thank you. Um, Mrs.Carlton. Can I speak to you before you leave?" I asked.

"Yes dear."

I walked her to the car.

"Thank you.... For everythang. Your my angle. You saved me and for that, im forever thankful. I know im stuborn, wild, and outspoken but you put up with me and got me a family. " I hugged her tight.

"Its ok love. Whenever you need me just call. Love you dear"

"Love you too" I kissed her pale cheek as she walked into her car. That Chresanto boy got my bag and shut the trunk. Mrs.C waved bye and pulled out the driveway disappearing into the streets of Cali.

I walked into the house. It was beautiful. The sent of apple pie filled the air. Felt like a real home on the tv shows. When I was small, I used to pretend I lived with the families on tv. Silly right?

" Rooms this way" Caylee cheered. Her attitude was extreamly happy & cheery. We walked into a room with pale purple covered walls. The room was cute and girly. I guess it belonged to me now.

" Here we are. Your new room" Caylee said. Her and Chresanto placed my bags down.

"Well welcome home Siran, right?" Chresanto asked.

"Siraj like (SIR-RAH-J)" I chuckled. My name was wierd so I understood some confussion in saying it.

"Cool, well I gotta go shower, I just got back from practice so I guess Cay will show you around."

"Cool" I nodded me head as I placed my things down.

"Well I havent formally introduced myself. Im Caylee August. Im so excited to meet you. I've always wanted a sister. So im happy to have you here." She explained. I smiled. She was realy nice.

"Well thanks. I guess I can get used to here." I said, taking a look around my room.

"Ohh you locket is beautiful. Were did you get it?" She asked.

"My... Mom gave it to me... Before she died" I mummbled.

"Oh shit Cayles look what you did." She mummbled to herself.

"Im sorry, I didnt mean to" she apologised.

"Its jiggy" I smiled letting her know that I wasnt offended.

"Well i'll let you get settled. Dinner is almost ready. I'll come to get you when its done, okay?"


She walked away into what I though was her room. I put my things up. I was relieved that there was a bathroom in my room.MY OWN BATHROOM! Try sharing a bathroom with 12 other girls in the Orphanage. I mean, the orphanage wasnt bad at all but sometimes I wish I had privacy. Now I do. I dived on my bed.

"Omg it smells like vinilla!" I mummbled into the pillow.

"Umm Siraj, dinner is ready" I looked up to see Chresanto. He turned his head sideways in confussion. I got up quick.

"Umm.... I was just saying how... The pillows... They smell good" I tried explaining myself. He laughed.

"Your wierd, you know that?" He chuckled.

"Story of my life"

"Well come on. I'll show you the kitchen."

I walked with him downstairs. I saw Caylee downstairs setting the table. I took a seat with the rest of the family. We talked about everything like school, going shopping , and how I felt about the arrangment. They were realy nice people but I had my gaurd up. At the end of the night, I got to know them. I felt at home. Atleast I think......

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