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Hii! This is my second book! Hope you guys like it! This book will be mostly around Bottomharry ! I love top/daddy louis heres the first chapter

Louis' pov

"Will you shut up!?" I yelled at my wife, she was mad at me for not holding her properly while we were sleeping, i was tired and shes like a stick

We have been married for 3 years and every year gets worse, she's always complaining about the most stupidest shit she could think of!

Our marriage is going down the drain and so is our sex lives, we use to be so into it , now it takes an hour for me to even get hard

"You never hold me anymore , what happened to when we were teenagers and you loved me?" She asked with tears in her eyes

"All i did was rolling over, god, I'm going out with Zayn and Niall , ill be back later" I sighed and went upstairs

I put on my tightest skinny jeans , my tightest black t shirt , threw on a blazer , i pushed my hair into a quiff and i grabbed my wallet

I knee exactly where we were going.

I arrived at Nialls and Zayns about 20 minutes later , i parked and banged on the door , they didn't answer so i let myself in "boooooys!!" I yelled

I heard a thud and foot steps then i was tackled into a hug "hii Niall" I laughed and hugged back , he was like an excited puppy

"Hii Lou! I missed you" he giggled and pulled away from the hug "its been 2 days Ni" i snorted

"I still missed you" he shrugged and kissed my cheek , i wiped the kiss off and shook my head

Niall whimpered and kissed my cheek again and ran off to get Zayn, i rolled my eyes and climbed onto the couch "Zayn get dressed! Niall you too!" I yelled

"Are we going to the spot!?" Zayn yelled back "yes so bring singles!" I yelled smirking

Within the next hour we arrived at the hottest club in town "High up" , it was a unisex strip club. We got in because of who i am , they know who i am because i own the best music recording studio in England.

Zayn, Niall and i all ordered beers and sat in the back watching the strippers

"Now up Payne Train!" The announcer said and a puppy eyed boy came onto the stage wearing fireman pants and suspenders with a firemen hat

I saw Zayn raise and eyebrow and sit back in his chair watching as the music started and Payne started rolling his hips and taking his suspenders off

I laughed at Zayn's reaction , he got up and talked the stage manager and gave the guy a whole wad of cash , he came back with a smirk

"What did you do?" I asked nodding over the stage manager "i just got myself a private dance" Zayn winked

"Which caught your eye Ni?" I asked looking at him , Niall shrugged "that one is cute" he blushed and pointed to a brunette in the corner

"Go get a private dance" I encouraged "but um what if i get uh happy? During the dance" he whispered

I snorted and patted his cheek "my poor innocent Nialler, if you get happy you pay for a night and fuck the life out of them" i cooed

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