i love you

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im so sorry ive taken forever to update ! ive been busy with school, the person i REALLY like keeps being weird and just yeah , but i am here!! im okay!! and ready to update! <3 lovely-zianourry here you go <3

we went up stairs and Liam nodded "yeah, of course, last time" he said and took me to his room were we fucked for the last time, meanwhile downstairs my phone was vibrating from a text from Louis saying "yeah cant wait :)" 

Harry's pov 

the day after Liam and i had sex Louis was coming over , i wanted him to explain every single thing from start to finish, i was sitting on my couch in my kitten onesie Liam gave me for Christmas a couple years ago, it was black and white, had cute fluffy ears and a tail, even though i was a stripper i still liked being cute! Liam got me this as a joke because i love cats but joke backfired when i loved it and now i wear it on cold days

i was wiggling my bum to make my tail swish when my phone started ringing , i walked over wiggling my hips as i go and picked up giggling out  small "Hello", "Harry ?" was called through the phone, i sighed pulling my head down and stopped dancing "yes Louis?" i pouted walking to the fridge for milk 

i poured myself a glass as Louis just breathed into the phone , i pulled the phone away to see if he hung up, he didn't "Louis? are you going to breathe into the phone or talk?" i sassed drinking my milk "yes , your damn dorm advisor wont let me up" Louis growled "hes my friend ! just let me the fuck up you fucking loser! do you know who i am?" I heard Louis yell at my dorm advisor , Kyle

"yes i know who you are sir, you bought 4 magazines and threw them at me" Kyle sighed , i could hear the boredness in his voice "exactly so let me go upstairs! Im friends with Harry" Louis whined and i heard a stomp like Louis stomped his foot like a child "everyone on Campus knows you and Harry arent friends, and that he hates you" Kyle explained , they were so loud i could hear them through the speaker

i put my phone on speaker and put it on the table as i sat down, i drank my milk giggling at how frustrated Louis seemed that Kyle wouldn't let him upstairs. A couple days after the fight and he wouldn't stop calling i told Kyle directly to not let Louis up unless he hears from me that it's okay but this was too funny to stop "we dont hate eachother, he told me to come here to talk , Harry tell this man that you are allowing me to see you" Louis grumbled into the phone "im actually having fun, so no" i smirked 






"shut up kyle, no one likes you" 


"Louis be nice!" 

"just let me up!"

 "not without Harrys consent!" 

"but that man just walked passed you! you suck at your job, he gets to walk right upstairs! do your job !" 

"that guy lives here" 

"oh. still let me up! ill give you money" 

"how much?" 

"can you break a hundred?" 


"hey! where are you going!? you just took my money!" 

"you can see Harry now!" 

"god for nothing bastard" Louis growled into the phone "im coming up now the guy took my money and walked away" Louis mumbled , clearly pissed , i laughed "just come up , i want you to explain everything or you can take your ass back downstairs before i shove my foot so far up your ass the dentist will be picking my toes out of your teeth for a month" i snapped, remembering why we got into the fight "alright sassy pants" Louis said and hung up. i drank the rest of my milk and put the cup in the sink as there was a knock on the door 

"coming!" i yelled "you haven't in a while for me!" i heard back, i blushed putting on a mad face as i opened the door "really?" i asked as i saw Louis with a rose and an innocent face "yes, nice outfit kitten" Louis winked and we looked down simultaneously , i blushed and let him in "ill go change , you can just put that in a cup and sit on the couch, ill be right back" 

i forgot i had that on, it was so warm and i was too busy focusing on Louis and Kyle to change, as i went to walk away Louis pulled me back "leave it on, you look adorable" Louis cooed petting my tail, i nodded blushing bright red, i could feel my cheeks heating up fast 

we went to the couch, i sat cross-legged facing him as he sat with his feet out , he handed me the rose and i smiled gratefully at him "thank you" i mumbled taking it, i smelt it. it was beautiful "now explain to me why you are bugging me and not your ex wife" i demanded , glaring at him "alright, so I'm chasing after you because after a while of thinking , i think- no , i know i really like you and my feelings for Eleanor are gone, i was holding on to them because she's always been there for me and i was afraid if i let her go i would be lost, i mistaken that for love, i don't love her, i mean i did but i don't any more you know? i never meant to hurt you Harry you have to believe me ! i love you a lot but i couldn't have you being followed around my paps, asked questions by your friends or randoms here bugging you, i know you get enough problems with just your work and adding on top of dating CEO of a big music company will make a big commotion ,not to toot my own horn or anything but im big in the media and i didnt want you in the middle of it" Louis explained quickly

he seemed desperate for me to understand what he did , he grabbed my hands in the middle of his speech and pull me into his lap, i didn't resist because i was listening closely to what he was saying " Louis i understand that you didn- wait what was that part after you said 'i never meant to hurt you Harry you have to believe me'?" i asked, the corner of my lips twitching up into a big smile

"ummm, i couldnt have you being followed around my paps, asked questions by your friends or randoms here bugging you?" he asked tilting his head but i could see in his blue eyes that he knew exactly what i was getting at but was embarrassed to admit it again, i grabbed Louis cheeks to make him look into my eyes "right before you said that" i demanded , putting my nose on his "i love you a lot" Louis whispered 

i giggled quietly "you love me" , Louis blushed dark red , this was the first time ive seen him blush this much ever "i um - well yeah" Louis stuttered in a whisper "you love me" i squealed giggling, i wouldnt keep the smile off my face 

"i um do" Louis smiled at my giggling "you love me" i said again a little louder "you said that 3 times now" Louis sighed , staring at me with a fond expression "you love me" i giggled happily , it felt so good to say , i wanted to scream it and wanted to tell everyone that Louis Tomlinson loved Harry Styles! "yes i do, i love you a lot !" Louis yelled over me repeating 'you love me' 

i stopped yelling and just burst into a giggling fit against his chest , he played with my tail and i giggled more "i love you too" i wheezed , if it was possible Louis' smile got bigger too, we were staring at each other  with big smiles on our faces, with that Louis kissed me to seal the statements 

thats the chapter !!! lovely-zianourry ! youre adorable and i hope you like this chapter! i hope everyone liked this ! i love you guys a lot 

- Alex <3

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