leave me alone

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sorry i havent been updating, but here is the next chapter! love you guys a lot, if whoever is still reading this

Harrys pov 

Liam and i had been officially together for a couple days and the media had found someone else to harass so that meant i was back at work! my night back was a big deal, i was the star that night, i had 3 big performances  , and brought in the most money in a long time and was constantly asked for a private dance, to say i was flattered was an understatement until half hour before my shift ended

i was just walking out of the private room when i saw Zayn and the little blonde walking in , i gasped and hid behind the bar counter , the bartender gave me an amused look "whatcha doing Coco?" he asked quietly "Louis' friends are here, i am hiding" i whispered , the bartender named Jake laughed and pulled me up "you are out of the spot light, the media has left you, just go do your last performance and rock it, those two are here for Tim and Payno" he laughed and shooed me away

i nodded smiling , i went to the backroom quickly changing into my performance outfit , this time i was wearing black kitten ears, a pink collar with a bell , black shorts, black knee high socks and a long black tail, i got Liam to put on my whiskers, as he was putting them on he kissed my temple "you make a cute kitty, kitten" he cooed smiling , pushing my hair aside 

"thank you" i giggled pecking his lips, i heard my name over the speakers and smiled "be right back" i called walking out on the dark stage and got onto my knees , with my hand curled at my mouth, the lights came on and i heard coos and moans, i smiled as the music started. i did my routine , swishing my bum around with my tail

after my performance , i went backstage "that was really hot" Liam whispered in my ear and i smirked "i noticed when i looked at you and your cock was hard" i laughed as Liam looked down to check if he was , blushing

"ill see you after, got to go do some dances" i winked and kept my outfit on as i got pulled aside and Paul told me who paid for a dance prior to my stage dance, i nodded and went to those men giving them what they asked for and left to go to the next, i just finished when i got pulled aside again, i yelped and was ready to yell at whoever it was when i saw it was Louis, i gasped "what do you want?" crossing my arms 

"is Liam your new boyfriend?" he snapped , glaring at me "what is it to you? i was just a sextoy to you" i snapped back at him, rolling my eyes "you werent just that, Harr-" i cut him off quickly "you cant call me that here" i growled and he sighed "coco, i felt something for you, i was scared, i was married and i am always in the media, i knew you wouldn't be able to handle that" he explained , he looked exhausted , and had bags under his eyes

"you treated me like shit Louis!, i really liked you but you fucked up, a simple sorry wont fix everything! you lied, and made me feel cheap." i sighed and started walking away , only to be pulled back "leave me alone!" i yelled yanking my hand away "Coco if you just listen to me!" Louis yelled at me , grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him "Louis, i am with Liam now you had your chance , you blew it" i mumbled looking up at him sadly, i might have had feelings for him still 

"Coco, i can see it in your eyes, you still love me, please don't go" Louis whispered as mu jaw dropped "love? who said anything about love?" i snapped pulling away, grabbing my tail to pet it "don't lie to me, i know you love me, every time we talked it poured off of you like it is now, don't give up on us, Eleanor is gone, we can be together" he pleaded taking my hand slowly, i shook my head "i'm sorry, i cant, i have a boyfriend now" i whimpered and pulled my away "im sorry, but you need to go" i said quietly 

i smiled sadly at him and went back to work, doing more dances but Louis had stayed in my head the whole time, even when i went home with Liam and we were making out on his couch i just couldn't get into it , Liam took notice of this and sighed "what's wrong Harry? you have been off since we left" Liam pouted and i sighed "I'm so sorry, just got a lot on my mind lately" "what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Liam asked "um , Louis showed up at work today just before my shift ended" i whispered , Liam frowned "what did he want?" he asked curiously "he wanted to get back together , he still likes me" i explained looking at my lap , biting my lip 

"do you still like him?" Liam asked, playing with my hair, I didn't answer, i kept my eyes on my lap as i heard Liam take a deep breathe "i see" he whispered and i pouted looking at him "Li, i just, we moved so fast into this relationship just after i yelled at Louis, i like you but i think my feelings for Louis are stronger, im so sorry" i whimpered , laying my head on his chest, Liam wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head "im sorry i pushed you into a relationship you werent ready for, but i am your friend first, and as your friend its my job to keep you happy, and if you are happier with Louis then go for it, ill support you" Liam said into my curls, squeezing me to him 

i looked up at him and pecked his cheek "you're amazing, i couldn't have asked for a better best friend, thank you" i giggled "i might be your ex boyfriend but i have always been your friend first" Liam cooed kissing my forehead "are you going to go back to Louis?" he asked rubbing my back "i don't know, should i ? after everything he did treat me well before hell broke lose" i shrugged "talk to him, text him to meet you at your dorm , and take it from there" Liam advised , i nodded "thank you" i giggled 


i texted Louis and looked at Liam, i snorted looking at his lap "you might want to take care of your problem.." i said pointing to it , Liam blushed and looked at me smirking, i sighed "lets go" i laughed and Liam lifted me up as i squealed, clinging to him "you know this is the last time?" i asked into his neck, leaving a few kisses

we went up stairs and Liam nodded "yeah, of course, last time" he said and took me to his room were we fucked for the last time, meanwhile downstairs my phone was vibrating from a text from Louis saying  "yeah cant wait :) " 

hope you guys liked the chapter! i hope people are still even reading , anyways love you guys 

-Alex <3

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