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Harrys pov

I just got to work on a Friday, an hour before my shift started , i ran over to Liam "hii Li" i giggled "hey harry, ready for night?" He asked and i nodded

"Maybe your sugar daddy will be back" I winked "he's not my sugar daddy....yet" he giggled with me "has he paid for sex or a night?" I asked

I sat down and stretched looking up at him "yeah, paid for sex the other week , how about you? I saw you head to a private room with the same guy as the week prior" he wiggled his eyebrow

"That would CEO of one of the best music recording studios here in the UK" i said proudly

"What!? Actually?" Liam gasped "yeah, Louis, never got a last name though, but thats okay he calls me Coco so he doesn't even know my first name" i shrugged

"Hows college going?" Liam asked and sat with me , he put his right leg out and reached for his toes

I laid down on my back and lifted my leg to my head "its going, I'm almost finished unit 4 so then its unit 5 then I'm done with my second year" i giggled putting my arms over my head

"And how many years do you have then after this one?" He asked "1 more then i have my diploma as an english major" i explained and sat up into a splits

"What about you? Hows college for you? I don't see you on campus anymore" i pouted "yeah, my science room changed to the other side of campus so we don't cross paths anymore" he sighed

"at least we see each other here though!" I smiled "can you hold my leg up?" I asked and Liam nodded

We both got up and i leaned my back flat against the wall , i lifted my left leg up and Liam held it up to my head, i could feel his hip on my thigh

"Are you almost done college?" I asked putting my head against the wall "yeah , i got 2 more years then i got my degree in science and biology" he explained

I poked his nose with mine and i giggled "you are really close to my face" i whispered "im also holding your leg up" he winked

I snorted "we can switch legs" I mumbled, we switched to my right leg and he held it up high "what do you plan on doing after college?" I asked "be one of those people you see on CSI and look at dead peoples body for DNA"

"Sounds fun?" I said more as a question "id throw up around dead people , i feel like they will pop up and yell "fooled you!" But they never do and that freaks me out" I explained

"You are so weird" Liam laughed and tickled the back of my leg , i flicked his ear "don't" i pouted

"Alright alright , Tell Louis to fuck you harder you seem grouchy" Liam teased "if the music wasn't so loud you could hear me scream harder" i smirked

"Harry you're hot but I don't need a mental image of you getting fucked" Liam made a face of disgust "awwwe little Liam doesn't want to see me naked anymore?" I snorted

"Just because i had a crush on your in freshmen year doesn't mean i want to fuck you now" he huffed and backed away "don't worry i wont tell anyone" i winked "Jesus Christ , you were hot freshmen year don't judge me" he pouted like a child

"Awwwe don't worry love you were hot too, I'm surprised we didn't hook up" I snorted and walked towards the change room

"Harry we did hook up dumbass! Do you not remember my neighbors almost busting my door down because you're too loud?"
Liam called to me , i gave him the finger over my head "shut up!" I yelled laughing

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