Telling Louis' family

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Hey guys ! This is a 2 parter so please enjoy! I love you guys, you're the best.

Harry's pov

Louis and I had been engaged for a couple weeks when we finally had a week off to drive to Doncaster to tell his family then the next day we were going to stop by my mums and tell her. She didn't even know Louis and I were serious or even close to being in love so she would be in for a shock. Afterwards we would tell our friends, Zayn and Niall not knowing anything, Louis said Zayn was focused on his work to listen to Louis and apparently Niall had been seeing someone too. Liam had an idea considering he new a big thing happened just not what.

I just finished packing when I felt arms around my waist , I jumped and spun around seeing my beautiful fiancé "There you are, Ive been looking for you" I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck as I saw a small twinkle from the engagement ring on my finger. "I was calling my mum to let her know I was coming to visit, she is excited, my sisters went nuts! They have no idea about you though, I told them I would explain the whole situation when I got there" Louis explained kissing my cheek

I nodded as I got a little nausea "Harry, you just went pale as a ghost" Louis said concerned and grabbed my chin so I would look up at him "what's wrong love?"

"What if your family hates me?" I whimpered , pulling away from him and running my hand through my hair, that thought had never entered my mind until now

"Hate you? Why would they hate you? Harry, you're an amazing person, you're so compassionate, driven, you're so strong, you know what you want and take it with no regrets. You're what people want to be baby, and who can't love those curls" Louis ranted pulling my by my waist to him so speak as he looked right at me

I took a deep breath "they are you're family, I don't want them hating me, they will think we are rushing into this considering a year ago you were married to my English professor and now marrying me, I have never met them, it all seems too fast" I mumbled looking up at him

Louis took my hand and kissed my palm "to them it might be but I haven't felt like this in years, I feel free, young and that I can do anything long as I have you to come home to"

I sniffled softly and pecked his lips "I love you" I whispered "I love you" Louis whispered back putting his hands under my shirt "we better get going , your family is waiting for us" and with that we packed the car and we were on our way to Doncaster.


4 hours long of a drive I fell asleep in the passenger seat, I told Louis to just take the limo but he said he didn't want to draw attention. I just rolled my eyes and stared out the window until I dozed off.

I was in the middle of a good dream when I felt kisses on my cheek and neck, I woke up with a squeal and a giggle. I looked at the culprit with a playful glare "I was having a good dream why must you waken the Queen?" I sassed raising an eyebrow

"Queen my ass, Queens don't fart in their sleep" Louis mused and turned the car off "shut up! You stank my whole dorm up last time we had Tacobell so you ain't no Queen either or King" I huffed crossing my arms

"Yes very unattractive couple come on we are here" Louis rolled his eyes getting out and I followed , we grabbed our bags and went up to the house. Louis barley knocked when the door flung open by a girl who looked about 13 and an identical one was right behind her "Louis!" They screeched and tackled him into a hug

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