Pudgy Harry

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Dedicated to Bassetmommy ❤️❤️ thank you for keeping with me, I know I've been horrible with updating❤️❤️ anyways here's the chapter!!

Harry's POV

I woke up on Sunday morning, the next week from the dinner with my family. I had been throwing up all week off and on and I could tell Louis was getting worried about me. I would always tell him that I am fine and its just a little bug. Louis decided to let me handle it since I snapped at him pretty badly when I didn't want to have sex since I had been feeling tired lately.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. As I put my toothbrush down I realized my fiance wasn't around me like usual. I pouted and went downstairs to the living room only to be met with an empty room, then I went to the kitchen and there was my fiance on the phone talking about our wedding. I giggled and walked to the fridge for some orange juice, Louis noticed me and pecked my cheek, I smiled and pointed at the phone. "Anne" Louis mouthed then answered my mum. I nodded and pecked Louis' lips softly then went to the cupboard to get a bowl for my coco puffs. They are actually Louis' but I was in the mood for them so he can leave me and the coco puffs alone.

I sat at the table and munched on the sugary cereal , watching Louis talk to my mum.

Louis' POV

I nodded at what Anne was saying about the links I sent her to look over "yes Anne, that's what Harry and I would like" I hummed and looked over at the love of my life and pouted seeing him eating my coco puffs, I raised an eyebrow and gave him a 'what the fuck' look. He hated that cereal, says it's not healthy but now he's eating it? Harry smiled at me and flipped me the middle finger. I looked shocked at the curly haired man, I rolled my eyes earning a coco puff thrown at my face, hitting my cheek. My jaw dropped and I glared at Harry. "That sounds lovely Anne, I must be going, Harry is up" I told the rambling lady. She sighed "Alright, tell my son I love him and I'll call later, love you Louis too" Anne called and I said it back before hanging up.

I stared at Harry as I put the phone down, waiting for an explanation. Harry smiled widely at me before continuing to eat like he didn't take my cereal and throw it at me "um love bunny" I called, overly loving. Harry looked up at me and giggled "yes?" He asked. "Why are you eating coco puffs? I thought you hated them?" I asked walking over and running my hand though his curls. "I do but for some reason I am craving them" Harry shrugged and leaned into my body. I looked at the boy completely confused but let him do whatever. I sat down beside him and looked him over.

I tilted my head as I looked at Harry's hips, his shirt ridding up to just show where his tattoos are showing. His hips were little bigger and his tummy had gotten pudgier even though he was throwing up a lot, even his thighs and bum have gotten thicker a little(not that I am complaining). Harry was throwing up a lot but some how he was gaining weight. "Baby, I think we should go to the doctors" I finally mumbled kissing his cheek "why?" He asked pushing the bowl away "don't take this the wrong way but you're a little pudgy even though you've been only throwing up" I said softly and rubbed his back.

Harry's head snapped in my direction so fast I thought he would have broken his neck or got whoop-lash "excuse me?" He glared and pulled his shirt down.

I sighed knowing he was going to take it the wrong way. "Babe, all I am saying is that you have put on a little weight in your hips and abdomen" I shrugged, thinking what I was saying wasn't offensive. "You have been throwing up a lot so I am not understanding why you are a little bit pudgy" I mumbled, watching Harry's facial expression go from confused to livid

"I am a model now! Don't you think I am smart enough to watch what I eat?! you asshole!" Harry yelled, jumped up from his chair and smacked me on the shoulder "fuck you!" Harry screamed and walked away to the guest room and slammed the door. I jumped when the whole house shook from the slam "what the fuck?" I asked myself, scratching the back of my head confused on what just happened.

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