Expect the Unexpected (A Criminal Minds Story)

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This is a Criminal Minds story. I do not own Criminal Minds or any of the characters used from the show but i do how ever own my characters in the story as well as the thoughts going into this story.

This is my first story so please give constructive criticism but please do not be mean. I am sorry for any of the spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoy my first ever story!! :)


Expect the Unexpected Chapter 1:  Amy P.O.V.

      Today was horrible! Casey started yet another rumor about me :/ I don't know how she came up with me being pregnant! i mean i've never even had a boyfriend yet!... I sighed as i wrote in my diary, I swear if my diary were published it would be the #1 book of the year. I was in my room which was my favorite hide out, my walls plastered in posters of my favorite bands and celebrities. My door flew open reveling my 2 only best friends Matt and Sam (short for Samantha)

"hey" i said my mind in my own little world. Sam had her eyes plastered to her phone as always as they sat she spoke up

"OMG. so that rumor that was spread about you, ya, the headmaster heard about it and wants to talk to you at break tomorrow"

"uggghh, why do rumors always have to be about me?? sure i was away for awhile but my damn aunt died!"

Casey was really starting to get to me. College life was not turning out so well. 

Finally Matt spoke up seeing I was frustrated and said "you do know that Casey will get in trouble right? she was warned not to keep starting rumors or else she will have to do community service for causing so much stress"

"Ya i know but i have a feeling she will talk her way out of it like she usually does whenever she starts a rumor about me"

Sam quickly shoots up out of her chair and announces "alright, Sam out, I need to go meet up with someone if you know what i mean" she said wriggling her eyebrows and left

" that was weird" Matt and I said in sync

"you know what i'm just going to read! Oh ya, Matt I forgot to tell you something! Since I know you like writing poems and stuff, I found this website called Wattpad and writers from all around the world post their stories about anything and everything! And guess what? I think I'm going to post one of my very own stories!!" I said to Matt as he listened intently because he absolutely loves writing

"That's really awesome Amy! I'm gonna go check that out. I'll see you later. Oh, and good luck with tomorrow!"

"Bye Matt" and with that I was by myself.

After awhile I decided to go downstairs and get something to eat. But it was too quiet down here, my siblings were usually making a big racket where ever they went. I walked to the door to see if they were outside but instead I found that our car was gone and that my family decided to leave me home alone

"thanks for telling me you left" I said out loud as if anyone could here me.

I decided on eating some toast then going for a hike at the local park.

As I walked along the trail I started noticing these weird red spots, they made a trail so I decided to follow them and see where they went. After awhile I started to notice drag marks and I started getting nervous. Then at the end of the trail was something I wish I could unsee. There was a limp body of a man against a tree with dried blood all over him. I whipped out my phone and dialed the police. I had to wait for them to come so I can lead them in and was asked if I was sure he was dead, I sassily said that with the amount of blood gone  yes I'm pretty sure.

After the police processed the scene and asked me some questions I overheard the detective on the case saying that this was their 4th victim and that they needed to call the F.B.I.

 Well luckily not only do we live in Quantico, Virginia but I am related to the Technical Analyst at the BAU. With some convincing I got the detective to agree to my plan and I called my cousin.

"The wonderfully intelligent Penelope Garcia at your service!"


Thank you soo much for reading my first chapter of Expect the Unexpected!! I will be posting more soon! hope you enjoyed it!! :D

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