Chapter 16

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Spencer's P.O.V.

As soon as I got back to my hotel room I started leafing through Amy's file again trying to find something, anything. feeling desperate and like something was missing i looked through Amy's phone again, i tried to analyze the text again something clicked. I was scrolling though all of her texts conversations till I found the person. Reading some of the texts sent from this person and comparing to the captors texts I saw that this wasn't the work of Amy's uncle, but of her best friend. I immediately called Hotch.                                                                                                                    "Agent Hotchner"                                                                                                                                                                  "It wasn't Amy's uncle Hotch, it was her best friend, Matt!" I spoke frantically into the phone.          "What do you mean? come back to my office and we'll speak in person" Hotch said sounding a bit confused.

 Amy's P.O.V.

"oh Amy, Amy, Amy,haven't you wondered why I never stick around for long when we hang out or shoot down going out anywhere? I've been working on this master plan ever since we met, you were the perfect candidate. As for the reason of all of this." Matt spun around with his arms out gesturing to everything that he had somehow pulled off. Looking back at me with narrowed eyes he asked " are you sure you want to know?" a evil smirk appeared on his face yet again, his eyes piercing into my soul. I gave the slightest nod toward him. His face went blank as if deciding what to say next. There was a long pause until Matt broke the silence. "I was born Joshua Mathers, wonder why that name sounds so familiar Amy Mathers? ever wonder why we have the same birthday, why we're the exact same age? why I kind of look like you? I'm your twin, the one you never knew you had because your parents gave me up for adoption I will never think of them as my parents. My name was then changed to Matthew Palmer and I moved to California. Once I found out that I was adopted I swore I would find all of you and "get rid" of everybody so I moved back to Virginia and meet you, after seeing how happy all of you were was when I really put my plan into action and now look at all of what I created! its my empire! Anywho I've been trying to pin this "crime" on your fathers brother, you know, your uncle and so far its worked, So now no one will ever find us, or you for that matter" 

Spencer's P.O.V.

"I'm telling you Hotch its not James Mathers, it's this guy named Matthew, Matthew Palmer."


Hey guys, Sorry for the long wait I've been soooo busy this summer! But I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Remember to vote and follow me! :)

Emylee <3

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