Chapter 2

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2nd chapter!! hope you enjoy it!!!


"Hey Penny!" (Penny is my nickname for her)

"Amy! How are you? Its been forever!"

"I'm OK I guess, a little bit shaken but OK" At least I wasn't completely lying, I was actually really scared.

"whats wrong honey bun" she replied with a worried tone.

"I know this is random but is your team out out on case?"

"Umm , no we just finished one, Amy you really need to tell me what's wrong I'm starting to get really worried hun".

"well... I was hiking in the park trail and there was red spots on the ground, so I followed them and kinda f-found a dead body".

"Ohhh no Amy, no no no. of course you had to see something like th-".

"Penny I need you to look over this case, I kinda over head the detective say that there was 3 other murders! I told them about me knowing you and they agreed to let you guys help" I interrupted trying to get that out quickly.

"my my Amy, I'll talk to Hotch but I need you to get the detective to call me and I you NEED to keep safe!" then the line went dead.

The detective told me that I needed to go back to the station for a little bit more questioning to see if anything I saw will help.

Spencer Reid P.O.V.

"ahhh finally done" I said as I finished the last line of my report on the case we just finished up.

I felt the urge to shoot off a statistic but I made a deal with Morgan that I cannot under any circumstance say any statistics until the end of the week. This was going to be hard.

I felt a smack on my back and heard Morgan say

"Hey pretty boy, hows does it feel not being able to annoy people with statistics?"

"Well, for you information I haven't said a statistic since our last case and I'm holding up very well thank you very much" I might of said that with confidence but my mind was itching to say how many people that are in my situation has won the bets they were involved in. That's 88% by the way.

A smirk grew on Morgan's face as he was convinced that I couldn't last the rest of the day. Much less the week.

"Guys conference room. NOW" Garcia practically yelled at us.

"Aww common Garcia I had plans this weekend" Morgan complained but was ignored.

I decided to pipe in then "I actually didn't have anything planed this weekend".

"Of course you didn't" Prentiss said to me.

As we walked in Garcia did not seem herself at all. I sat in my usual spot seeing that JJ, Rossi and Hotch were already sitting and reviewing the case on their tablets.

"There's a serial killer right here in Virginia who, as of today has murdered 4 people. First was Marci Thomas who was beaten to death, second was John smith who had his throat slashed , third was Jennette LeBlanche who was again beaten to death, and finally Mark Penn who was found by my cousin and did not need to experience something like this. They were all found in a forest slouched over at the base of a tree. Police were able to connect these murders because each victim had a star carved into their left shoulder." Garcia finished and sat down.

Wow what a sight for Garcia's cousin to see. Well now that I knew why Garcia was upset I got to work.

"This guy has an obvious pattern and seems to have had a bad experience with woman.They all look alike so they might resemble a mother or girlfriend" I said.

"Is there any sign of sexual assault?" JJ asked.

"Not so far but the coroner is investigating" Garcia answered.

"Alright Prentiss, Morgan, and I will go to the latest crime scene. Reid, Rossi, and JJ go set up at the police station as it will be easier coordinating with the police then staying here, Oh and one of you should probably talk to Garcia's cousin and see if she saw anything important. We will be leaving in 30" Hotch said as he was gathering his papers.

"Her name is Amy by the way" Garcia said quickly.

And with that we were off.


Thank you again for reading.

Just so that you know some of the statistics in this story are made up by me so don't take them for granted

Emylee :)

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