You Waited Too Long.

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I was sitting there waiting for my wife to get home only to be stuck in the chair for the next four and a half hours. I was waiting at the airport for her flight to get in from China, but it never showed. It was supposed to be here at about three in the afternoon only for it to not even be here at seven at night. I wasted perfectly good time to be spent in the lab. I got up and started pacing back and forth, the glass windows were only showing an endless sea of black and lights. It didn't matter if the lights were green, pink, yellow or red, they were still there and still shining that bright color they always did. There were supposed to be more flights coming in and leaving through the night but i never saw a single one. In fact, i didn't see a single person. I had on my white lab coat and my black suit underneath, i was trying to look nice for Rose. After another hour of silence and waiting, i decided to go walk around to the little stores and find something to eat, something to do while i waited for probably another few hours. I had found some simple chinese food, irony not taken into consideration, and grabbed a few books that were called "New York Time's Best-Sellers" even though they seemed to be just another cheesy chick book. I walked back to the gate that Rose was supposed to be at and sat back down in my empty chair. I had my computer and phone with me, but i decided to let them charge and not go onto them without a good reason. As i was eating my food, people started to walk in from the front of the gate, not where the people get off but where you go in to sit down. There was an old woman and two little kids that caught my attention, they had the same body type and freckles splashed across their face. The two kids had dolls with them and the old woman had a care-worn face that seemed like she had seen some shit. As i watched them a little closer, i began to think about why this woman had looked like someone i knew. Her eyes were a deep red and her lips were stuck in a pursed look, she seemed like she was glaring at everyone that she saw, but i was the only one in her field of view. As she walked to me, she wrapped her bony fingers around my shoulder and asked my name, responding with a calm and collected voice i told her that my name was Ember Ash and that i was waiting for my wife. Something seemed to have struck a cord with her and she held onto my shoulder tighter and tighter, her eyes were wide and she pulled me up to my feet. Reaching into her shirt she pulled out a small gold locket that had a single name, Ember. I stared at her, only my wife had a necklace like that. I stared at the old crow of a woman, could this actually be Rose? What the hell is going on?

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