Chapter 16 : Curse of contradiction

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Akira P.O.V

I looked down at Aira. She was sleeping peacefully. That match she fought moments ago...she was brilliant. She must have worked hard to master lightning style jutsus. It was her weaker element and thus must take more chakra. 

But...that guy, Mizushima Kanata. He was with Kabuto and Baki...a truly suspicious person. I had a horrendous by just thinking about it. Someone must have sealed my memories...but I knew that I was forgetting something very important. I remember how Aira flinched away when we were worried about her. The only thing I could recollect before her being stabbed is...the look of hurt she gave us. What did we do? When I talked to Raijin and Hayate-sensei, it was quite obvious that they were missing a few memories as well.

I had a feeling that Aira had no lapses in memory...why won't you tell us anything? Are we not comrades? We have had our share of fun times, going out for lunch, arguing due to difference in tastes, playing pranks on Hayate-sensei, holding on to each others shoulders as we nearly fainted due to over training. Hayate-sensei taught her kenjutsu, she picked up genjutsu from Raijin and I helped her with researching through forbidden sections of the library. That is where she had taken the chakra sealing tag. Despite all this...are we not trust worthy enough?

She was either a priestess or...the most queerest girl I had ever met. She seemed like she knew people even before she met them. She seemed to know about curse marks, S rank criminals and sometimes even peoples thoughts. She was the first person to wager that Hayate-sensei and Yugao-san were going out.

Aira: Um...what...where am I?

Raijin: You baka! So you finally decided to wake up after such a long time, eh?

She clutched her ear in agony and I flicked his forehead. Which type of baka wakes up an injured person by yelling at them! She chuckled slightly and got up. She must be feeling better. She looked around her...and then let out a gasp of shock.

Aira: W-What is the time now? I-Is the chuunin exam over?

Akira: No it is not. We might be able to make it in time for Uchiha Sasuke vs Sabaaku no Gaara match.

Aira: What? But...wasn't Sasuke's match supposed to be after mine? Even though they were late, Sasuke did make it before the end of my match.

She was watching the audience when she was fighting? Is it all right for her to be so careless and observe her surrounding when she was in midst of a battle? Well she that should be enough...still...

Akira: Since your fight with Kanata was too long, the feudal lords wanted a break before the start of the match-

Before I could complete my explanation, she half carried, half dragged me and Raijin to the match avenue. Baka. She gave as gasp of pain as her wound reopened.

Akira: Show me your wound.

I took her to one of the medical rooms and decided to change her bandages. She shook her head desperately. When I told her that I wouldn't let her out until she cleans her wounds, she flushed bright red, swore a bit and then turned towards the other side and began to unwrap her bandages.

Was she...only stabbed? It was almost as if the area surrounding the injury had been electrocuted. It must have hurt like hell. No wonder she had fever this morning. Shouldn't she lie down in bed and take things easy? She finally finished dressing her wounds. They looked quite loose. She must be slightly dizzy. I proceeded to tighten it up. She was bright red...whether due to fury or embarrassment...was hard to find out.

Akira: Don't push yourself.

She seemed to be deep in thought but then she gave a smile and turned towards us, Raijin and Hayate-sensei had just entered the room.

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