Chapter 20 : The strategist's resolve

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Aira P.O.V

Sigh... Lady Chiyo was fine with my determination and my motive but...if I don't make Gaara the Kazekage, I'll be executed!

Gaara: Aira...are you all right? I am quite sorry. It is all our got dragged into it.

I couldn't exactly deny it. I threw my forehead protector to save Sunagakure and Gaara but... It didn't change the fact that Gaara has brought me here out of gratitude and pity. He...and this village... They don't need me here. But that doesn't mean that I cannot do something for him.

Aira: That's all right. You never forced me to do it. I am just a busybody and I am paying the price for it. But...I did it because I wanted to help so don't feel bad. I won't get executed. Not if I am successful in making you the Kazekage.

Gaara: Are you even listening to yourself? I killed people...nearly killed even your precious Naruto in the chuunin exams. I have had a habit of killing people who irritate me.

Aira: I have irritated you quite a lot of times but I am not exactly dead am I? You are changing Gaara...and it is time for the village to change as well. don't have to be hated just because you are a jinchuriki...I-

Gaara: SHUT UP! You are too keep pushing your opinions on others...

Before I realized what was happening, a hand made of sand grabbed me and flung me across the room. I felt a trickle of blood run down my face. Gaara had a horrified expression on his face and he quickly ran out of the room.

Temari : are Ryuugamine Aira right? It doesn't matter if you are a strategist or not. If you hurt Gaara, you will pay for it.

Aira: Did you convey those sisterly feelings of yours to him?

She scoffed and walked away. Temari is a wonderful woman. She cares a lot about Gaara even though she simply acts frightened in his presence. My plan was still incomplete. To complete it, I would still have to work on it. I took some of the books from Gaara's bookcase. 

Sunagakure was lacking in education, money, skill and infrastructure. It would take quite a lot of time to sort it out but I wanted to start working as quickly as I can sit in the council I would have to have at least the basic knowledge to be able to operate. 

'Sunagakure (砂隠れの里, Sunagakure no Sato,Literally meaning: Village Hidden by Sand) is the of the hidden village of the land of wind. As the village of one of the five great shinobi nations , Sunagakure has a as its leader known as the Kazekage, of which there have been four in its history. Being surrounded by desert offers the village a natural deterrent against invasion, as few foreign powers would be willing to endure the sandstorms and water scarcity common to Suna. Sunagakure itself lies in a fortified valley behind cliffs of rock, with passage in and out of the village restricted to a single cleft between two cliff faces, making the area very hard to attack from the ground. The buildings insides are made of clay or stucco, which would help to keep the buildings cool.

The standard attire for Suna shinobi consists of blue or black uniforms underneath of various shades of beige to better blend with their natural environment and include shoulders guards. Headpieces consisting of a head-wrap and cloth neck-covers to protect against the harsh weather are popular with Suna shinobi. Many Sunagakure ninja use wind techniques, which they may or may not perform using a fan as a weapon. Sunagakure follows the philosophy which states that the accomplishment of a mission predominates the lives of the ninja trying to accomplish it. 

The Suna Council (砂ご意見番, Suna Go-Ikenban,Literally meaning: Sand Honoured Opinion Watch) exists to help the govern the village and to make sure all decisions are made with the best interest of the village and its inhabitants in mind. The council seems to consist of 12 members, more commonly known as "Seniors". Their discussions occur in the , in the room where the statues of all the Kazekage reside.  The council is headed by Lord Ebizo(Lady Chiyo's brother). The members of the council are Baki, Goza, Ikanago, Joseki, Ryusa, Sajo, Tojuro and Yura.'

I closed down Gaara's books. I had made a basic note of all the rules and regulations of  Sunagakure. There was still something missing. I fished around until I finally found what I was looking for the third Kazekage's diary.

I quickly took it to my room and began to read it. I never noticed it as the sun began to set. It was beginning to get really cold. Temari had come to my room with a hot cup of cocoa. I sipped it as I quietly deciphered the code that Sandaime Kazekage wrote his diary in. The part that took my interest was 'Sunagakure : Puppeteer Brigade.

'The user, gives their life force to the target, uses all their chakra as an intermediary. This technique can be used on both the living and dead. Using it on the living can save and restore the target from an otherwise fatal condition but will leave the user greatly exhausted. When used on the dead, the user will find certain death in exchange for the soul of the deceased. While in use, the released chakra shines a pale-blue colour, and if the user's own chakra is insufficient, a third party can assist.

This technique was initially researched with the purpose to find a way to bring puppets to life. This was done with the aim of creating a puppet army infused with the chakra of the one-tailed beast Shukaku to create a pseudo jinchuriki army.'

The jutsu that lady Chiyo uses to save Gaara...

I yawned and decided to go down for dinner. I was surprised to find Kankuro siting in front of his untouched meal and Temari pacing around the room in worry.

Aira: Temari-san...where is...Gaara?

Temari: He always goes for walks in the night.

Kankuro: He can be pretty scary during full moon nights.

Aira: It is not a full moon night today and did he go for a walk without having dinner?

I gave them a glare that quickly shut them up. Lady Chiyo came into the room. All of a sudden the atmosphere in the room had become intense.

Chiyo: Gaara didn't come home yet. What are you going to do about it, girl?

So I had graduated from 'brat' to 'girl' huh? But that wasn't what I was thinking about. Both Sandaime and Yondaime died a death by assassination. Gaara may be strong but I knew that the plot line can be changed...and if 'Rasa of the Gold release' can be assassinated, then so can Gaara!

I quickly ran to my room and looked at the outfit I had brought for myself. It was a short, knee length kimono of blood red color with a black sash. The kimono was sleevless and the neckline was pretty deep. It didn't exactly show off my breast but was low enough to keep my 'seraph' symbol visible. I tied my hair back in a high pony tail. The overall effect was quite effective.

Aira: Finally...I am ready and I know exactly what to do, Chiyo obaa-sama. I shall find Gaara.

Temari and Kankuro accompanied me. we split up and searched in different directions. I knew that the Sunagakure shinobi wouldn't exactly send people to save Gaara...for all I know, they might be the ones trying to kill him so as to get rid of the 'monster'. I have to hurry up and save him and...this might be the perfect situation to put my plan into action.

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