Chapter 23 : Adventure in the land of wind

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General P.O.V

It was a typical day in Sunagakure and the council was at war just as usual...and the typical council war was raging on.

Ikanago: No! We are not going to bother spending money on setting up an academy. We are not as comfortable as Konoha. We don't need to mirror their hard work. What worked for them won't work for us. "

Aria: B-But we need an academy! Most of our genins are...those who cannot even use substituition jutsu on the spur of the moment. Lack of knowledge makes it easy for them to get fooled by other ninjas or even the targets....

 Ikanago: General administration of village is different from battle tactics. Stay away from these matters.

Tojuro: Right. We'll just work on improving the standards of our ninjas. So that we can generate more revenue and protect the village too.

Aira: But without a sound foundation, you are putting the genins and chuunins at risk. There are not many jonins in our village. Other villages have ANBU as well. Our village is not exactly secure. We need to make sure that more chuunins become jonin with quality education.

Chiyo: Sigh...stop bickering. Aira, as true as your statement is, Sunagakure simply doesn't have the funds to take up such huge expenditure.

Aira: Ah...funds...we need them for the academy and for setting up of hospitals right? Hm...

Yura: Are you thinking of something?

Aira: I was just thinking that Harune Aira might be able to do what Ryuugamine Aire could not.

Ikanago: Huh? What is that supposed to mean?

Chiyo: It means that we are concluding the council meeting and...

Aira: I am going on a vacation!

Tojuro: A-A vacation?

Aira: Indeed! And may I request the esteemed council to cool their heads too.  




Gaara: Aira...are you sure this plan has any chances whatsoever at succeeding?

Aira: Positive! If this plan succeeds, promise me that you will never ever ask me to reveal the plans to you beforehand.

Gaara: Ok. 

Kankuro: Wait! You cant leave me in the dark! Tell me. What are we doing?

Aira chuckled slightly and went over to pat Kankuro. He turned to look around in surprise. So Gaara and Temari didn't tell him...

Aira: Not 'we' it's only me and Gaara.

Kankuro: What! But why can't we accompany you?

Aira placed her palm on her face and game him a side way look.

Aira: Kankuro...that's one extreme form of brother complex if you accompany your brother for his honeymoon...

Kankuro nearly fainted upon hearing it but upon Gaara explaining the situation to him, Kankuro reluctantly agreed to stay behind. Gaara and Aira were going to infiltrate the non-shinobi territory of the land of the wind undercover.

Gaara P.O.V

Chiyo: You've told me all that I need to know right? 

Aira: Sure I have! But...seriously...thank you Chiyo obaa-sama. Without your support such a radical plan would have never been approved.

Chiyo: That's all right. I only need two things from you : results and Gaara's future.

Aira: Consider them done!

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