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"This is a terrible idea." I say pacing back and forth. I was currently waiting outside the City of Bones, while Clary was inside with Jace. Apparently these so called 'Silent Brothers' can help recover her memories. But it didn't occurred to anyone else that I could know where this damn cup is too. Jace said a warlock wiped out memories, we assumed Dot, when we went to go find her she was gone. Stuff happened, Clary had another breakdown, same as always.

Isabelle looked over at me and put her hand on my shoulder, "I'm sure everything's gonna be fine, and Jace will keep Clary safe." She said reassuringly. I let out an aggregated groan, "I don't care about Clary." I yelled. Simon, who had been standing quietly next to Izzy, gave me a look. I realized that all 3 were looking at me in confusion and shock.

My eyes widened as a sigh escaped my lips. I closed my eyes, trying not to pull my hair out in the process. Ever since this shadow shit came into my life, I've been tired always worrying about something stupid Clary's going to do.

"I don't- I didn't mean it like that, okay? I'm just saying, what happens when Clary does get her memories back? We can't just go rush in and attack, and God knows that's what Clary's gonna do." I explain. Simon was still looking at me like I just killed him, Izzy was looking at Alec.

"She's got a point." Alec says, looking from side to side, checking if there was anyone that could have heard our conversation.

"Plus, if people find out that she got here memories back, it'll be World War lll. Every werewolf, vampire, warlocks, all of them, will stop at nothing to get possession of that stupid cup." I say rolling my eyes. This cup that everyone's after better have diamonds and $1 million dollars .

"So is cracking somones mind open supposed to take this long? Maybe we, or you, should go check?" Simon says, dangling his hands over the fire in the grabage can. All he's been doing is talking about Clary. In my opinion, he was either paranoid or obsesed.

"Jace has it covered." Alec says in his usual monotone voice. Isabelle chuckles, "take my word for it. The Silent Brothers are quite unpleasant." Izzy teased. Simon shook his head, "That's not helping, not at all. What is Clary can't handle the Brothers? What does that-" Simon's ranting was cut off by Alec's sarcastic side comment.

"It literally never stops talking." he said leaning against the side of the entrance to hell. A smile crept onto my face as I watched Simon glare at Alec. Simon acts all tough, but on the inside he's the softest person you'll ever meet.

"Is he always so charming?" Simon scoffs, directing his question towards Izzy.

"Firstborn, wears the heaviest crown." Izzy says, staring at Simon. I think Izzy has a little thing for Simon, and we all know Simon has a thing for Izzy.

"Mmm, I feel his pain. Only son. Mother wants me to be a CPA." Simon says, turning back to the trashcan fire. Izzy walks over to Simon.

"And you, what do you want?" Simon looks at her, thinking about his answer. "Um... well, I'm in a band." he says, shyly. "Yeah? What type of music? Let me guess, Indie rock?" Izzy flirts. Simon stiffles a laugh and nods his head.

"Got anything on your phone?"

"I do. We recorded our last set. We killed. It's..." he trails off, blanking out for second efore returning. "I left my phone in the van." he laughs nervously.

"Let's go get it." Izzy says, her face suddenly becoming serious. My eyes widen as I realize what she's trying to say. I look over at Alec with a small grin plastered to my face. He looks between the two and rolls his eyes.

The two nod and walk past us. "Where's it going?" Alec asked as Izzy passed us. "We'll be right back." Izzy says smirking. I laugh at how subtle she is about it. Simon probably thinks they're actually going to go get some music.

Alec gives his little sister a look. "What? He passes the time." she says innocently. "I can hear you guys, you know." Simon yells at us from behind his shoulder. I bite my lip to stop the laughter that's trying to escape my throat. I watch as Izzy gives me one last look, and pushes Simon off towards his van.


"So, what do you think they'll find in her head?" I ask Alec, moving to stand by him. He looks over at me, "What do you think they'll find?" he asks me. I think about it for a couple seconds before answering.

"I think, that if my mother was at least a little bit smart, she would have made it harder to find her memories. This just, it seems too easy. If this cup is really that important, I would've taken the memories and destroyed them. That way no one would ever find it." I finish off. I look up at Alec, who had been staring at me the whole time I was giving my speech.

"Well there you go." he says looking away to something unknown. I give him a confused look, he glances at me for a second, "That's what I would've done."

Suddenly Clary and Jace run out of the City of Bones. I run to give my sister a hug, smiling that she's alright. I lift my sleeve up and wipe off the dot that settled on her forehead. While I was smiling, Clary was frowning, with tears streaming down her face. I scrunch my eyebrows together, but she didn't tell me what happened.

"So what is it. What did you find out." Alec askedJace, skipping right to the point. Jace looks between the two girls that were still standing side by side.

"Valentine is Clary's father," Jace explains.

"But he's not Tessa's father."


Aye don't ya just love plot twists?

I wanted to update before I went to my grandma's house where there's no wifi. I know it's been like a week since my last real update, so there you go. I hope you enjoy my story so far.

Guys I'm really excited to see Max and Alec bond, it's gonna be so fucking cute asgdjfklsagdk!

Happy Valentines Day

Next update at 500 votes!

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