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"Wait, that's not possible." I say as Clary latches on to my arm. She had tears in her eyes, her bright, fiery hair seemed dull. Jace and Alec didn't know how to calm Clary down. Clary had been raised to get everything she wanted, and if someone said no, Hell would rise. I remember when we were smaller, around  the toddler stages. We went to a store for food, but we ended walking out with a giant Barbie Palace that was almost $200.

I, on the other hand, had been raised to show no emotions, because if you did, your enemies would have a weakness to use against you. Luke had told me that emotions get you killed, not only because it shows that you have weakness, but also because it shows what your weakness is. And when your enemies know what your weakness is, they use that weakness as leverage, and a lot of people can get killed. Clary was raised weak, I was raised to be strong and fearless.

Clary was still balling as her and Alec went at it. All I could hear was something about a spy, which was completely unrealistic since Clary can't even keep a straight face when we have staring contests.

I was busy zoning off when I heard my name being called. "What about you, Tessa. Huh, are you a spy? Was this all part of an act? Act all tough and pretend to know everything so they don't suspect anything? Was it all fake?" He yelled at me, taking baby steps toward me. I look at him in shock, I just found out that my whole life has been a lie and my father was fake. At least Clary knows who her dad is, whether it's Valentine or not.

In a quick motion, I raised my hand up and swung it as hard as I could until it made contact with his (very attractive) face. He stared at me in shock, until finally he straightened his posture and walked over to Jace.

"Well, at least we know she's not a spy." I heard him mumble to Jace. Jace had a light smirk on his face when I realized something.

"Where's Simon?" Clary asked, saying exactly what I was thinking. Just then, Izzy emerged from the bushes with a worried look on her face. "I told him to stay in the van, I've searched everywhere." She said worriedly.

"He's gone?" Clary asked panicking. I walked over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Clary, we'll find him." I thought she was calmed down, but then she turned back to Izzy.

"You were supposed to protect him!" She yelled at her, tears still brimming her eyes. We all sighed in annoyance as she walked away, screaming his name.

I'm positive that any demon looking for Clary, in a 100ft radius, was now aware of our location. "These mundane a are killing me." Jace said as her followed after the small red-head. We all followed as Clary rushed to the Van and started having a mild panic attack.

While Clary was busy screaming for Simon, I took notice to the small movements at the top of the metal parts holding together the bridge.

"Is that the mundane's name? I'm afraid he's coming with us." Said a Hispanic boy, with a pale woman standing closely behind him. Clary started screaming about how he wasn't apart of any of this. "And it will be my pleasure to kill you unless you return him." Jace threatened. The mood was killed, as always, by Alec's dense remarks. "Careful. We'd be breaking the Accords." Alec warned us with his usual level of decency.

"Shove the clave up your ass." I said as I glared at the 2 vampires that were threatening my sister's best friend.

"I'm afraid your sidekicks quite right. The Night Children have broken no laws. We're negotiating." He said, gloating. "The mundane, unharmed, in exchange for the Mortal Cup. And the clock is ticking." He finished. Simons face was turning red from the blood rush. He had a terrified look on his face, he was still pretty new to all this. Hell, we all were.

"Tick tock people." He said before speeding away with his companion and Simon. I silently cursed as Clary had a break down, constantly screaming Simon's name. All this for some stupid Cup.


This is probably shitty, but I haven't updated in a while so I figured why not.

And last nights episode fucked me up, for several reasons.

1. Malec
2. he asked her to fucking Marry him
3. Max lightwood is fucking adorable
4. Matthew daddario shirtless punching something
5. Magnus wants Alec so bad and he looked so disappointed when Izzy told him about the planned marriage.

So what did you think of last nights episode (episode 8). Comment below

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