Chapter 21: Reckless Comfort

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I shift my body to face him and move my hand to find the pillow but I accidentally touch his face and move his hair thinking it's the pillow. Shit...Was that his hair?? Aww damn. It's still a little damp from the shower. Whoops I probably messed up his hair.

"What are you doing you doing?"

"Sorry I can't see in this darkness" i whisper. Suddenly his eyes glow dark Green and lights up just our faces.


"Yeah thanks" I say but start to laugh as I look at his hair. Yeah I did mess it up. How the hell is his eyes glowing like that?? Is he even human?

He looks in my eyes, almost like he's looking at his reflection. He pulls an embarrassed face and goes to fix it but I stop him.

"Na, I like it like that" I grin. He looks kinda sexy. What no! No! I'm so going to punish myself later! Ughhhh he's making me think stupid things! He makes me feel things I wouldn't normally feel...he makes me forget about my problems...why is that? Of all people, him? But does he even care?

He studies my face for moment before speaking.

"Your pulling that thinking look again, what is it?"

"Nothing" I say and shrug. I don't even realise how close our faces are until I notice his eyebrows raising.

"I hate it when you do that" I frown and shift a little back.

"Oh why my lost girl?" He asks and raises them again.

"Stop it!" I yell. He grins and does it again while sitting up.

"Stop it I'm going to kill you!" I try to say seriously but a smile and a little laugh comes out. I immediately stop myself and put on a frown. He stops.

"Did you just smile at me?"

"Oh don't be ridiculous!" I snap annoyed and turn my back to him. He giggles and lays back down. I yawn again and slowly shut my eyes to try and sleep...

I hear a sound outside my door...and then a knock that scares the living day light out of me. I flinch in shock and turn to Pan. My eyes fling open and He sits up and looks at the door. We listen in silence for any noise. Muffled voices are present but slowly vanish. Pans eyes turn red again. What the hell? ...

I then begin to get a headache, oww. Ever since I fell in that lagoon,  Iv been feeling drowsy and dizzy.

"Sam and Felix?" I say shaking.

"Most likely" he says in a dominating voice. His eyes turn back to green and he wraps his arm around my bare stomach and pulls me up against him gently. I want to ask him what's going on between him and them and why they want me dead...the word 'dead' sends shivers down my side and the scars on my back start to sting. I let out a painful quiet moan but Pan moves his face.

"Did I hurt you?"

"'s my back, I have sc-" I stop myself, its too embarrassing.

"What's wrong with you back?" He asks in alert and the top of my spine with his finger, he touches the top of my thick scar. Oh no. Lucky for my shirt. He stops at the material. I turn my body to face him before I have to explain myself, which of course even if he did see the scar, I would never tell him anything about my life. My head pounds again.

"Was there something in that Lagoon?" I ask curious.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since I fell in that Lagoon, Iv felt drowsy and dizzy and like I can't think about anything or completely realise the things happening around me, kinda like being drunk"

"Yeah the Lagoon has a type of drug called dyano that makes its victims drowsy and you could say paralysed in the mind but it only lasts about 2 minutes out of water, that's why I'm guessing you where out cold and couldn't move for a while"

"P, paralysed?" I ask.

"Yeah but it hasn't affected you that much, you seem to be immune to it, the after effect is just a headache, nothing serious"

"How come it didn't effect you?"

"Well I'm immune to it"


He shrugs. My vision starts to dizzy but I shake my head. I'm not completely immune to it like he is.

I can't help myself. I snuggle closer and wrap my arms around his chest and rest my face just below his neck. He jumps at the sudden movement but relaxes shortly after. He doesn't do anything. this bad? Have I stepped over the line? There's an awkward silence, I can feel he's a little uncomfortable. Ha, pan? Uncomfortable? Pfft, yeah right. I press my Hand to his chest to feel his heart beat but I feel nothing. he dead? I look up at him and he stares down at me and gives me a confused look.

"Are you dead?" I ask him.

He hesitates to answer.

"I...I......non of your business" he scolds. Pfft, a pathetic excuse. For a moment there I thought he was going to tell me. But how could he be dead? Or how could he not? Might explain why he doesn't age, maybe that's the reason he's important. Anyway I try to shove the thoughts away from my mind, he has a point, it's non of my buisiness. I go back to wrapping my arms around him as well as my left leg around his lower half. I shut my eyes and try to sleep.

"Mmm getting comfortable there lost girl?" He seductively whispers in his voice. Oh my god he knows how to tease me and it's not nice! The butterflies come back I can only imagine he's smirking right now. I move my leg off him. I didn't even realise I did that, that's just how I sleep.

"Oh knock it off" I nudge him in the shoulder. "Your the last person on the planet that I would get 'comfortable with'"

"Mm hmm" he responds softly like he's slowly going to sleep.

"Yeah I'm serious" I say trying to be tough. I yawn and slowly shut my eyes.

Maybe Pans not as bad as he says,  maybe he's just faking it, or maybe he is evil, but right now, to be honest, I couldn't care less. I just needed comfort from some body. Maybe I am stepping over the line by getting to close, maybe we both Are. I know I have a chance to kill him right now and I probably should and he knows it too but for some reason he chose to be here...and for some I'm beginning to think I can't bring myself to kill him, he just looked so...vulnerable today, looked like he cared that I was hurt. And I know he has a chance to kill me...I know if he wanted to he could slice my throat in my sleep....but....I don't know, for some reason I trust that he isn't going to do that. I know it's reckless. Extremely reckless. Just a couple of hours ago I wanted to slice his throat out so why is now any different? Am I seriously getting attached to him? I don't know what I'm feeling anymore, I want to kill I? Yes I do, wait no I don't, I... I'm so confused.

I was too distracted thinking about Pan that I failed to notice the banging on the door.

Authors Note:
Thanks for reading guys, I have to notify you all that I am going to be really busy over the next couple of weeks but I will try to update on time. If It's been more than a week, then it's because I'm busy. Hope you understand! Xx yeah the story is a little slow moving at the moment but it's going to pick up speed soon.

OH and an important notification to tell you guys! **I have updated my recent chapters of Rachel when she wasn't in Neverland and added a dog called Nana into it, reason being I thought already did when I first wrote the chapters but clearly I didn't. ((((Yes I know, how stupid of me)))It's apart of the story but I guess isn't really that major. It isn't a big change but Maybe you could go back and read it. Thought I'd let you guys know just in case you got confused at any moment. Remember if you have any questions, don't hesitate to leave it in the comments below. Don't forget to Vote and comment if you enjoyed!

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