12: Childhood Can Be A Real Pain, Sometimes.

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I’ll be the first one to say: Sulking in your room has to be the most boring thing ever. I was tempted to go on Facebook, but, I didn’t want Mom to come in and see me. I was being extra-careful to avoid the internet around her, now. No need for her to get even more suspicious. (The fact that my door was locked wouldn’t help me in that department, either, but I tried not to think about that.)

So, this was officially the last free weekend I had to myself until Voice-acting class. I knew it was only  two weeks long but if Mom was getting this ridiculous about things, who knew what plans she’d have for me the week after.

That’s it, I decided, I needed to talk to someone. And it wasn’t Claire I wanted to speak with.  So, before I could wuss out, I got on Facebook.

Aaaah.I sent to Shane. Thankfully, he replied.

Hello to you, too.

How was the nursing home? And Hi.

Fine. But you aren’t doing so well, apparently. I thought my life lessons helped you earlier! :(

Haha, they did Shane, but something else happened when we said goodbye.

Really? What?

My Mom. She’s forcing me to take up new activities.

I didn’t want to tell him about the voice-acting, because he’d realize that I would be attending the class in Dustin, and if Xaviera lived in Brockway… it just seemed too complicated to explain.

Can’t be worse than my friend and cousin. They’re dragging me to this stupid class on Monday, for like, learning how to change your voice.

My heart stopped. I had to see Shane, in person? Great. Why did we have to be in the same place? I wasn’t sure whether to feel embarrassed or angry…it all seemed too coincidental. But…would Mom really force me to go to a place Shane was? I knew she wouldn’t force me to do something like that without hardcore motive! Should I be thanking her? Shane and I were going so good now! I paused, my sudden enthusiasm vanishing. Shane and Xaviera were doing so good right now.

Is one of your friends interested in that kind of thing?I said, just to keep the conversation going.

No, it works like this: My friends both have girlfriends, and those girls are best friends, so, if one girl gets the urge to do something, she asks her best friend, and then both of them get their boyfriends involved, and that gets me into the middle of it.

Sounds convoluted.

But, I knew how the ropes of the groups worked very well, for awhile; I’d been in the group, doing exactly those kinds of things, in that pattern.

But, on the bright side, Claire would be there. She was probably planning on telling me that, sooner or later. Of course, on the down side (though I wasn’t entirely aware if it was down anymore) Alana would be, as well. How would I react to that?

Yeah, it would be easier…but I think my ex is going to be there.

I got palpitations.

Oh…why is that?

Well, you know Alana, my ex is actually pretty tight with her and this other girl.

You’re confusing me, Shane.

I tried my best to make Xaviera look as out of the loop as possible, it would throw Shane off the trail, if there wasone, which I doubted, but still.

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