16: The Climax of Xaviera Halo

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I’d been waiting on Facebook for three hours for Shane to message Xaviera. But he hadn’t gotten online yet. Mom hadn’t returned my phone- an easy way to pass the time instead of staring at the empty chat log- I realized it only after she went to bed, but I didn’t want to push it. I was more grateful for my laptop, which sat on my bed in front of me. I was lying on my stomach, considering just going to bed when I heard bloop.

Lady X, I’m surprised you’re on. The grounding lasted long, didn’t it? Lol. :P

Yeah ( Hey, aren’t we technically supposed to be fighting? I’m over it if you are) I got on my Mom’s good side, I guess!

( Yep.) Really, how?

And that was basically how we forgave each other. It made the game more exciting, knowing that Shane was actually falling for Xaviera, and the plan was working out.

Phase one of it, anyway. We’d never really established Phase Two. That’s why I didn’t call Claire (or Alana, because we seemed to be friends again, I guess.) What was I supposed to say over the phone? It had to be in person. I planned on getting more information out of him tonight, and then telling them tomorrow, after class. In the back of my mind, I wondered how many more days I’d even have of it.

By “kissing ass.”  I referenced what she’d said to me earlier.

How are things going with your Mom, anyway?

What do you mean?

Remember, your “deep rooted issues”. I can bring up stuff over and over too! ;)

What do you mean by "too?"

Nothing. Anywhoo...

Well, back to my Mom, then. Nothing has really changed; she’s just really worried about me. I’ve been talking to this guy I just met, and she doesn’t know if he’s…right for me.

I wanted to see if he showed any sign of Jealousy, and it took him a long time to answer. Was that a good thing or a bad thing?

Really? A prospective boyfriend, sort of thing?

Curious, are we, Shane? :)

I am, actually.

I’ll tell you one of my secrets if you tell me one of yours!

I don’t think I can do that.


You don’t want to hear it.

Oh, that’s too bad, and I wanted to tell you about…oh, never mind.

Shoot, Lady X, you’re killing me. I’ve given you a lot more information about me than you have about you.

True, alright. His name is Andrew. I made it up on the spot.

Andrew, what?

What do you mean?

What’s his last name?


I wondered why he cared. Again, was that a good or a bad thing? Shane took even longer responding this time. I had “hello?” all typed in, with my finger on the enter key when he finally said,

Call Me: Lady X ✔Where stories live. Discover now