18: Shane and I

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Wow, I can't believe I've actually finished a story. It's so...amazing. There's still an epilogue. I'd like to thank everyone who has stuck by this slow-moving story for the last year. It's been a long process, but I feel like it's a good place to end. There's plenty of room for a sequel, here. Maybe I'll get around to it.

Thanks to you, reading this.



I drove to the park feeling nervous and euphoric at the same time, like I’d injected myself with adrenaline. Part of me was thinking: This is it, this is where the last month and half of lies will come to their conclusion. There were only two possible outcomes, each one the reason for both feelings I was experiencing. They boiled down to yes and no. The question was not clear, yet. Nothing, really, was clear, but that’s the best I could do.

I tried to imagine Shane, what he would look like. What would his face be, when he saw me?

I didn’t have much longer to wonder, before I knew it, the park was 100 meters away, then it was 10 feet, and then, as I pulled the car to a stop by the curb, I was there.

Shane had beat me.

His back was turned, he didn’t respond to the noise of the motor running, or when it cut off, he still didn’t budge. He looked relaxed, not tense. For a moment, I forgot about everything: Alana, Claire, their issues, their boyfriends, my Mother, her issues, Xaviera, her issues, though they were nonexistent. I could only remember Shane and myself. That’s all I needed to remember anyway.

Before I got out of the car, I took a deep breath. I reminded myself why I was here, to tell Shane the truth. About everything. Including how you feel about him.

Sighing, I got out of the car, pushing everything behind me. My fears of rejection were nothing. I was unemotional as I began my pursuit to my destiny.

 I had nothing but raw bravery…I’d need it.

As I got closer to Shane, I saw that he was rocking on his feet in utter boredom. Like he was waiting. Well, he was. For someone who didn’t exist.

Well, she was out there, the girl whose picture I stole to make my beautiful creation. I wondered what she was really like.

Suddenly, Shane turned around.

It threw me completely off balance. My previous surge of confidence faltered. His face surprised me. While I collected myself internally, I noted that he did not look shocked- or disgusted- to see me, but rather…expectant. Gulping, I waved at him.

“Sophia. Or…I guess I should be calling you Xaviera, shouldn’t I?” He said, keeping true to character, his word choice was very theatrical. Dramatic.

“Call me Lady X.”

He gave a half smile, and I laughed without humor. So, he knew. How long had he known it was me? Why did he play along.

“I was wondering when you’d do the ‘big reveal’. I must admit I’m surprised that you…” he shuddered in what seemed to be amazement. “Why, though? I’m just…?” He trailed off, at a loss for words. His eyes shined.

“I don’t know.” I said, looking at the ground, unable to take his penetrating glare, “When did you find out it was me?”

He chuckled, “I’m not a complete moron, did you really expect me just to…believe that? Did you think I was that stupid?”

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