14: Astonishment

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After voice acting class, I was drained, mentally from having seen Alana and Shane in the same room, at the same time, and physically, from straining my voice so much. Claire and Marco slipped out early, much to my dismay, but I let it slide. When I had packed up my bag, my notes that I had taken, I finally walked out the door, pulling out my phone to find Claire. Someone cleared their throat. When I turned to the source of the sound, I found Alana, waiting for me.

“ So, how do you think you did?” She asked.

My voice was frosty. “ With What?” Although, that was a bitchy answer, it was also an honest one. We did so many things I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about.

“ The voice acting. Do you think you have a knack for it?” She wondered. I was suspicious. What was her real motive for waiting for me? This encounter was awkward and obnoxious at the same time; I didn’t know which to feel, though.

“ Um, I think…I’m okay. At, like, impressions and stuff. She didn’t insult me or anything.” I said, getting somewhat engrossed in the conversation. Then, I saw Shane emerging from the room by himself, without the kids. Locking eyes, he swiveled in our direction. But then, abrubtly turned around, as if he’d wanted to say something, but changed his mind. I let it slide, though, on the inside, was crushed. Alana and I exchanged a few more comments about the exercises, and the teacher, and I remembered I had two people that were probably waiting on me, seeing as how the class technically ended 15 minutes before.

“ Hey, Alana, I’m not trying to ruin our…truce-thingy that we kind of have going on here, but if you have something to say to me can you please spit it out? I know you just don’t want to have a casual conversation out of the blue.” I said.

She flinched, but responded, “ Yeah. I’m trying…to apologize, I guess. What I said wasn’t right.”

“ I’m over it.” I lied.

“ Oh, well…alright then. So…friends?” She stuck out her hand. A little awkwardly, I shook it, and quickly shoved my hands in my pockets. 

Combined with the awkwardness, and the fact that I remembered Claire and Marco would be waiting I said, " I have to go." Then, started walking towards the direction if the parking lot.

“Wait!” She yelled. Groaning, I turned around.

“Sorry.” She said sheepishly, “Real Quick. How is…the plan going?”

“Hasn’t Claire kept you updated?” I wondered.

“Not to the full extent, and I’m guessing you haven’t told her everything, either.” She hinted, winking.

I so didn't want to talk about this right now. We weren't just automatically "friends again." I still needed to learn to trust her. Didn't she get how much she had hurt my feelings? 

 Then I realized, She was waiting for an answer to her question from before. Exhaling, with a little bit of relief, and a little bit of sarcasm, I said, “ Fine. Friends.”

Alana grinned, and scuttled away, to where I saw Braden was waving at her. He waved, and I waved back, shooting him a smile. Quiet, neutral, polite Braden and I had always gotten along. It was kind of like a silent friendship, he was too shy to really talk to Claire and I in full-blown conversation, but still, he was funny when forced talk to us for a little bit.

As I watched Alana, though, I wasn’t sure what I felt. This morning, I was all ready to just put the argument behind us. I was annoyed by it. But now, that it actually seemed that’s what was going to happen, I didn’t want it to be over. I wanted to hold a grudge, and fight, and be mean. Not the bigger person.

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