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Loud, obnoxious music thumped throughout the large, people packed room. Some were swaying as they downed another shot, others danced and jumped wildly on the strobe lit dance floor, and groups sitting at the bar wasted their paychecks on overpriced alcohol.

Harry sat at a booth, his table littered with empty shot glasses and crumpled up napkins. He leaned his head back and giggled, singing along, albeit horribly, to the noisy song flooding his ears. His tie was no longer around his neck: instead, it was tied tightly around his forehead and the top two buttons of his shirt were undone.

He hiccuped and gazed around, drunk, his eyes glossy and lips etched into an unconscious smile. He made to push up his glasses, which were slipping on his nose sweat, and poked himself in the eyes. "Shit..." He grumbled, this time successfully managing to replace his glasses.

After a short while, a man Harry didn't remember if he knew slid in close next to him. Just like Harry, his eyes were glassy and his demeanor clumsy. His black t-shirt stretched tightly against his skin, Harry noticed, as he downed something in a tall glass.

"H-h'llo!" The man hiccuped, and Harry took notice to his mercury grey eyes at once. "M-a dri-ink." He hiccuped again, his sentence garbled and unclear.

Harry was fascinated by the striking appearance of this young man, and in his drunken state, couldn't bother to refrain himself from reaching out a hand to stroke his chiseled face.

The song changed again, it's beat only slightly slower than the last. Harry retracted his hand and furrowed his brow. "I dono thisong..." He slurred, turning his attention to a passing couple.

"I do!" The man shouted excitedly, and began to howl along to it. "Tae me'n noow, b-by hereass Iyam!" He stopped, much to Harry's dismay, because that was the only line he could remember at the time.

"M-a getadrink fr ou." Harry stated firmly, and stumbled his way over to the bar.

The man at the bar watched Harry with interest as he demanded two more shots before clumsily returning to the booth. He set down one of the drinks for the stranger to take and downed his own, already used to the burning in the back of his throat.

Harry giggled suddenly, throwing his head back against the seat. The young man, though he found nothing particularly funny at the moment, couldn't help but give into the drunken giggles as well, and soon his eyes were squinted tightly as he fought to breathe.

"Wass yor name?" Harry rested his forehead on the stranger's shoulder and shuddered; they were quite near the door and a new group of people arriving allowed a gust of harsh, cold wind to settle across the crowd. "M Harry."

The stranger didn't respond with his name; instead, he replied with, "Yor pretty."

Harry lifted his head and, without any warning, the stranger pressed his pink lips to Harry's. The kiss was quick and sweet, and both boys were subjected to another short spasm of giggles.

And then Harry kissed him again, for a longer period this time, and felt himself sobering up. He raised one hand to hold the man's face, stroking the cheek absently with his thumb.

He pulled back, mostly sober now, his eyes closed as he felt a hand run through his hedgehog-y hair, before he heard an alarmed gasp.

He smiled, said, "Whassa matter?" and let his eyelids flutter open to meet those of Draco Malfoy. "Holy f-fuck!" He scrambled to produce a thicker distance between the two, sure some form of physical violence would follow what he was half certain was a mistaken kiss.

Draco, however, slid closer to Harry and placed his lips against Harry's neck repeatedly, leading to his exposed chest. "Good to see you again, Potter," he whispered, positioning himself so he could gaze directly into the emerald irises that were Harry's eyes.

"Fuck it." Was all Harry could utter as he crashed his lips to Draco's, sending the both if them to lay on the booth bench. He felt Draco's hand travel up and down the sides of his body before sneaking underneath his shirt.

Draco licked Harry's lips before slithering his tongue inside Harry's mouth, exploring every part of it. His hands gradually found themselves on Harry's ass, which he squeezed.

Harry bucked his hips into Draco's and sighed, biting Draco's lip before pulling away and biting his own.

"Not bad, Potter..." Draco lifted his head up slightly to peck at Harry's lips. "We should continue this somewhere else, I think."

Harry sighed in agreement and sat up, bringing Draco up with him by his collar. Soon enough, the two were kissing again, this time slower and more sensual in contrast to the fast paced beat of the music. "Cab." Draco whispered between a kiss. "My house," he breathed, "or yours?"

Harry giggled, sucking on a spot just above Draco's pale, defined collarbone. "I don't care, let's just get out of here."

"Sure you can handle me...?" Draco whispered into Harry's ear, his voice a sing song.

"Mmmhmhmmmhm." Harry chuckled, feeling a shiver go down his spine.

The two broke the kiss. Draco stood up, pulling Harry with him, and the two snaked through the crowd before reaching the door at last. With one swell push, the heavy door swung open and the two boys disappeared into the dark, cold, November light, with nothing but the moon and the yellowish light from the street lamps to brighten their way.

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