Mission Accomplished

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A group of fifth years sat down in the Slytherin common room, too drunk to remember any rivalries formed between them. The stone room was cold in contrast to the burning fire whiskey one Slytherin snuck in after Christmas break.

"Y-y'know what we should do now?" Pansy hiccuped, leaning roughly on Dean's shoulder. "We should play spin the bottle."

Hermione giggled. Pansy hiccuped again. Dean, who almost fell asleep, crashed onto the ground, causing Pansy to yelp and fall as well. "That sounds fun." Hermione agreed, and the group scrambled to form a haphazard circle, placing an empty Fire Whiskey bottle in the not-so-exact middle.

"I'll go first." Blaise offered, a deep flush to his cheeks. He seized the bottle and twisted his wrist so to spin it, and his eyes followed the neck of it as it moved round and round and round, landing on Susan Bones from Hufflepuff. He crawled over and placed a sloppy kiss on her lips before wiping his mouth and crawling back to his seat.

Susan spun to Terry Boot.

Terry spun to Padma Patil.

Padma spun to Parvati, so after a hearty laugh she spun to Seamus.

Seamus spun the bottle and it landed on Dean. The two of them blushed profusely, as this was the first gay move, and pecked each other's lips awkwardly.

Dean spun to Hermione.

Hermione spun to Lavender.

Lavender spun to Luna.

Luna spun to Crabbe (( neither seemed too keen )).

Crabbe spun the bottle so hard that it swirled across the ground and smacked right into a chair. He lumbered over to retrieve the bottle, and this time gave it a more subtle twist. It landed on Pansy again.

"You taste like ogres, Crabbe, ever heard of a toothbrush?" She snickered, spinning the bottle once more.

It landed on Harry, who squirmed, uncomfortable, as Pansy climbed over to peck his lips. "Never again." They both shuddered.

Harry nervously gave the bottle a spin. One, two, three, four, it's slowing down, six, seven, it stopped... In front of Draco Malfoy.

The entire room held their breath, as even drunk they recognized there was a lot of sexual tension between the two. Draco, deciding to diffuse some of this tension, scooted over to Harry on his butt.

"Scared, Potter?" He breathed down Harry's neck.

"You wish." He responded, and yanked Draco's loose tie so that their lips met. Draco wrapped his hands around Harry's waist and the two tumbled onto the ground.

"You're turn to spin, Draco." Ernie huffed.

"You go." Draco mumbled between the kisses. "I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment."

As the game progressed, Draco and Harry still didn't let up, and many moans escaped the two teens' mouths.

"Get a room, you two!" Neville shouted, and many cheers backed him up.

"This is a room." Harry pointed out sarcastically. "It's not our fault if you guys are still here." He rolled over so that he was now straddling Draco and bent down to resume what they had begun. Draco slid his hands down Harry's pants, causing many yelps and 'oi's to sound from the rest of the fifth years.

"We're gonna have to separate the two of you! You're like bloody hamsters!" Ron sighed after a sweet kiss from Hermione. He stood up and pulled Harry as Pansy did the same to Draco. "They won't even remember this, probably." Ron chuckled, sobering up only slightly.

As Hermione walked by Pansy as the group dissipated and heading to their individual dorms, she fist-bumped her and muttered, "Mission accomplished," before ducking into the hall herself.


The next day, a majority of the fifth years awoke with throbbing headaches and blurry accounts of what had occurred the night before. Harry kept glimpsing at flashes of blonde and grey but couldn't put a name to the mysterious girl he had so enthusiastically kissed. "What do you remember?" Ron asked Harry cautiously.

"Some chick with blonde hair." Harry furrowed his brow. "Can't remember who she is though. Great kisser."

He and Ron joined Hermione, who asked the same question Ron had moments before, at the portrait and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. It was less packed than usual, and the trio assumed that much of their year had decided to have a lay in that morning.

Harry continuously raised his eyes to scan the crowd, searching for that mesmerizing blonde haired girl, wishing to congratulate her on successfully seducing the Boy Who Lived and, possibly, to continue what they were so unceremoniously stopped from doing.

Harry, frustrated, ran his fingers through his hair and scanned the crowd one last time. Mid-scan, he paused, finally locating the chick with blonde hair. But she was a he and he was staring straight back at Harry, a look of scared surprise evident in his enlarging silver eyes.

"You two couldn't possibly be able to confirm who I snogged last night, could you?" Harry's voice was a higher pitch than usual and he still hadn't broken eye contact with Draco. "Like, could it have possibly been a boy who... Who..."

Draco seemed to regain his usual sarcastic demeanor, because he smirked, winked at Harry, licked his top lip seductively, and jerked his head towards the door of the Great Hall.

Harry nodded back slowly and abruptly turned to Hermione and Harry. "I'll see you two later, I've got Drac- um, some business to k-attend to. Urgent. Very urgent." Harry then stumbled his way out of the Great Hall.

Hermione searched for Pansy across the room and, upon catching her eye, pointed to Harry's empty seat with a wide smile, produced two big thumbs up, and mouthed again, "Mission accomplished!"

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