Kiss and Makeup

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Harry sat shivering at the edge of the platform overseeing the lake, a warm fluffy towel wrapped tightly around his shoulders. Cheering could be heard from the stands of excited Hogwarts and Beaubaxton students as well as the angry groans from the Durmstrang teenagers.

Harry sat chatting with Ron and Hermione about the outcome of the second task for the Triwizard Tournament, when a hand grabbed onto his arm and yanked him roughly to his feet. "Hey- what the?!" He yelled, spinning around to face his attacker.

Draco latched onto Harry's arm once more and, taking Harry's moment of surprise for granted and ignoring his friends' cries of protest, began pulling him away from the platform and passed the risen stands towards an inkling of trees nearby, muttering angrily underneath his breath as they marched.

"Malfoy, what the hell are you--"

"You are a bloody idiot, Potter!" Draco shoved him into one of the trees. He advanced once more and shook Harry buy the shoulders; Harry tried to remove Draco's arms. "You could've gotten yourself killed, you attention seeking moron!"

"All the better for you, it would have been!" Harry snapped angrily. "And besides, my acts of heroism," Harry emphasized, "earned me extra points!"

"That is so irrelevant!" Draco released Harry's shoulders from his firm grip and rubbed his temples. "You could have drowned, Potter." He muttered.

Harry rubbed his shoulders, which were sore and were sure to be covered in bruises the shape of fingertips come nightfall. As Draco calmed, Harry took to watching groups of students trickle back in the direction of the castle and allowed himself a moment to ponder Draco's concern.

"You need to be more careful, Potter." Draco sighed, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants.

"Oh yeah? Why the bloody hell do you care?" Harry retorted rudely. He thought he heard someone calling his name, but it was so faint and faraway that he put it out of his mind.

Draco didn't have an answer. He stood quietly and watched Harry fidget uncomfortably under his gaze, which Draco hoped was strong and controlling. "Do you have any clue what the next task will be?" He asked, removing his hands from his pockets to rub at the back of his neck.

Harry stood, silent, pondering whether or not he should confide in Draco, as well as whether or not Draco himself knew the task. "No." He responded after a brief battle in which the side proclaiming "it won't do me any harm" won viciously. "I only just finished the previous one, you idiot." He made sure to add this last part with a malicious undertone, so as not to seem too friendly towards his nemesis.

"Blast it all." Draco muttered under his breath and ran a few fingers through his hair. He glanced up to see a mixed look of curiosity, disgust, and impatience etched on Harry's face, and his usual cocky demeanor slipped substantially. "Will you, um," he cleared his throat, "would you tell me when you do?"

"And why in Merlin's name would I ever confide such a thing?" Harry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms defiantly, satisfied that Draco was no longer piercing him with his stare. "Especially in the likes of you?"

"I want to help..." Draco murmured almost inaudibly, and he immediately wondered if Harry had even registered that Draco had responded. "I want to help you." Draco repeated, this time loud enough that Harry winced slightly.

"Since when? And what about all that hard work you put into crafting those clever little badges? 'Potter stinks', wasn't it? How original of you, Malfoy, I must applaud your creativity." Harry scoffed, his words dripping with sarcasm. He uncrossed his arms and settled his eyes on Draco's face, subtly reading it for emotion.

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