Love, Dear, Pet

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A/N: idk y'all but i saw this rlly cute little headcanon on tumblr (of course) and was like "wow i wanna see a fic with that in it!" but also im vv lazy and dont feel like scouring the internet so here i am, writing another shitty ficlet? because its 2:00 am and im bored. hope i dont botch this one up too. also i legitimately forgot how to spell mcgonagall's name so i had to look that up oopsies im ashamed as well

Apparently calling people by their last names demoted house unity. Or so McGonagall said.

Harry muttered about "bullcrap" and "why in the name of Merlin's saggy left testicle" as he and Draco exited McGonagall's office.

Draco curled and uncurled his fists as he and Harry stepped onto the weird concealed staircase, and as it twisted downward he mentally refused to refer to Potter by his first name.

It's not like they were enemies, at least not anymore. More like frenemies, or slightly cautious acquaintances. And what does last-name-calling have anything to do with house unity? Draco swore that McGonagall created an entire new set of ridiculous rules specifically for the eighth years.

"This is bollocks." Harry finally exclaimed as they stepped off of the elevator. The gargoyle jumped back into place. "And I refuse to call you 'Draco'." He shuddered. Draco thought he was being a touch melodramatic.

Gryffindors, he thought.

"Well, I have to meet Ron in the library. Later... dear." Harry said, at a momentary loss for words.

Draco just lifted a pristine eyebrow, turned on his heel, and walked away.


"If McGonagall finds out we snuck out again post-curfew we'll be in for it." Harry groaned, glancing at the large grandfather clock standing next to the entrance of the common room. The brass pendulum swung from side to side, almost reproachfully.

"It's just Draco and Blaise - who cares if they get in trouble?" Ron rolled his eyes and yawned. "I'm going to bed, but you can wait here like a mother hen."

"I'm not a mother hen."

"Yes, you are."

Harry watched the clock for a few more silent minutes before the entrance opened and in stumbled a tired looking Blaise and a cheery eyed Draco.

"Where have you two been? McGonagall would've had all of our hides if she found you!" Harry stood up quickly and took a few steps forward. He ran a hand through his hair.

Draco tracked the movement. "Nowhere special, sweetheart." Draco rolled his eyes and turned towards the hallway that led to the few boys' dorm rooms. "Good of you to wait up."

Blaise furrowed his brows before following Draco, and Harry ran his hand through his hair again, repressing a chuckle, before following after Blaise.


"You're just as uncivil as the day we arrived." Hermione crinkled her noise in disgust at watching Ron utterly devour a fat chicken leg.

He rolled his eyes and picked up his fork. "Chi--" He swallowed his bite of meat and dug his silverware into the mound of mashed potatoes residing on the edge of his plate. "Chill out, 'Mione. I'm bloody starved!"

"Yes, all that late-night not-studying must really wear you out." She deadpanned, but relented, sticking her nose back into her book.

"Certainly does!" He responded cheerfully, and raised his potato-filled-fork with such haste that a huge glob flew into Harry's hair and clung for dear life.

"Ronald!" Hermione squawked, slamming her book down. "Your filthy way of eating has gotten out of hand!"

Harry rolled his eyes and almost raised his hand to swipe at the food when a pale pair of fingers came into his peripheral vision. Harry tilted his head back to meet Draco's eyes.

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