Genderbent Pre-Yule

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Harriet glanced at the large clock adorning one of the cold stone walls of the Potions classroom: the lesson was to end in five minutes. She fidgeted in her seat and glanced around the room, trying to cease the jitters. Today was the day she would ask someone to join her at the Yule Ball, and she hoped that she wouldn't be rejected.

Finally, after a few more hour-long minutes of agonizing anticipation, the bell signaling lunch boomed through the halls, and the twenty something kids in the room flooded into the hallway, Harriet lingering behind under the pretense of gathering her objects, a task she had already completed ten or so minutes ago.

When she stepped into the torch- and sun-lit hallway, she saw Draya snapping at Crabbe and Goyle to leave her alone and that, no, she wouldn't accompany either of them to the ball, the great idiotic brutes!

What little color that had been on Harriet's face drained. What if she's already been asked? What if... Oh my god, I didn't bother to consider if she even liked girls! What if she rejects me and then spreads some horrific story around school about how I tried to seduce her and come on to her and... Oh no! This was an awful idea! Abort! Abort!

In the midst of her mental argument, she didn't realize that Draya had casually and curiously made her way to lean against the wall near Harriet.

"Potter." She greeted sarcastically. Harriet smiled weekly, melting slightly under Draya's intense inquisitive gaze. "Haven't you got to run off and vanquish the Dark Lord? What could Pretty Little Potter be doing all by herself?" She clucked her tongue and tapped her chin in mock wonderment.

Harriet ran a flustered hand through her unruly hair and cast her eyes to her shoes. "I, uh, I was just..." Harriet took a deep breath and rushed, "Doyouwanttogototheballwithmeit'sokayifyoudon'tandIknowit'sweirdofmetoaskbecauseyouprobablydon'tevenlikegirlsandwe'vebeenreallyshittytoeachotherbutIjusthadtoaskbecauseIthinkIreallylikeyou!"

"Potter, maybe if you'd be so kind as to speak English, and not this jibber jabber language you've conducted, I might have been able to understand you."

"Do you want to go to the... To..." Harriet trailed off, once again captivated by the moons that made up Draya's irises.

"Is Pretty Little Potter flustered? Over me?" Draya slid slowly along the wall towards Harriet, careful not the break her gaze, as she knew it was the cause of Harriet's hypnotized demeanor. "Does Pretty Little Potter have a question?" She was now flush against Harriet, and both girls felt a tingling sensation as their arms brushed against the other's. "Come now, Potter..." She moved so that she was face to face with Harriet, hands pressing against the wall on either side of Harriet's head. "You can ask me anything..." She had now pressed her entire body against Harriet, warm against warm, and her head was bent towards Harriet's ears.

Harriet's heart was pounding in her chest so rapidly, so harshly, that she felt as if Draya would be able to feel the vibrations. "I... I wanted to know if..." Draya's breath was minty and warm against Harriet's neck, and she shivered, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Yes?" Draya purred softly, and bit delicately at Harriet's earlobes, her hands now squeezing Harriet's hips, her entire weight upon Harriet.

"Yule Ball." Harriet moaned desperately as Draya began to suck at Harriet's neck.

"Hm..." Draya slid her hands upward so that they now rested dangerously close to Harriet's boobs. "I think so." She answered, and she pulled back so suddenly it was as if a cold gust of wind knocked itself against Harriet's skin. "See you then." She called over her shoulder, leaving a bewildered and blushing Harriet to slide onto the floor, heart still pumping and blood still rushing.

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