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I flinch when I feel hands on my shoulders and then all this talking just over rules the thoughts I was having. I look at Ashton and Calum getting all cozy then my eyes move to Skye and Michael.

"You okay babe?"

I just nod avoiding looking at Luke as he kisses me cheek and sits next to me as Ann Marie starts cooking breakfast for all of us.

I was starting to feel all light headed and everything was getting to me, I couldn't breath. I had to get out of there, I push my messy hair out of my face and stand up pulling my dress down and walk away. I go out the front and I felt like I could breathe again.

I sit down on the steps putting my head down and stare at a little ant.

"Run little guy, run while you can." I whisper quietly

I rub my eyes smudging my mascara even more as I feel someone sit next to me.

"Jas, what's wrong?"

"Nothing Luke, I just felt clostrophobic."

"You were very quiet last night."

"I've got a lot going through my head."

I was giving him the cold shoulder because I couldn't deal with the bullshit today, my head was spinning and I couldn't face him.

"About last night?"

I shrug "I don't remember anything that happened, I don't even remember coming here."

I let a tear roll down my cheek and stare into the distance "you were pretty out of it."

"You don't think I already know that, Ashton's little sister walked in on us in the bathroom. Ashton's mum has to tell me what happened last night, bits and pieces are coming back to me. I don't know what I'm doing anymore."

I get up and walk out onto the grass and just stand there, I could feel eyes on me and I had a feeling everyone was looking out the window and I was ready to break down.

"Jasmine, you asked if we could. I didn't want to take advantage of you but you pushed yourself onto me."

I turn around and put my hand up stopping him from coming any closer "no, like you said I wasn't with it last night. I'm not one of these girls who sleeps around, my parents will kill me of they find out."

"I know your not like any other girl, that's why I'm falling for you. Harder than I have for anyone else, please Jas. Let's go inside and talk where the neighbors aren't watching."

I shake my head "don't come any closer, let them watch. Let them listen, I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm done, I'm done with everything. You don't know the meaning behind half of my tears, half of the things I do." I out my hands up

"Talk to me then, tell me the meaning behind the tears and the scars. I think your beautiful, your scars are your past and the many times i wasnt there to helo you. Think about the future, think about the road ahead of you and the many great things you can do."

I let the tears fall as I put the hood on when it starts raining "what future? I don't have a future, I don't talk to anyone. I don't need to talk to anyone, my mind is a mess. Always has been, always will be. Let me go, you don't need my baggage dumped onto you, it'll feel like your holding the world on your shoulders. It's not what you want."

I watch his bright blue eyes turn to a darker blue and I could see the tears in his eyes and his chest rising up and down faster than normal.

"Come inside, please or at least under the patio out of the rain."

I stand there staring at him for a minute while I think. I'm bare foot, I have no money, no phone and nowhere to go. The rain was starting to get heavier as I cross my arms and walk up to the patio and sit on a chair with Luke following me. I take off the hoodie as Ann Marie puts a blanket over my shoulders.

"He's a good kid, I've known him since he was a baby. I've never seen him look at a girl this way." She whispers in my ear and I look at her and nod

I wait until she goes back inside and I hear her getting everyone away from the door and I look up at  Luke as he kneels down holding a blanket around his back.

"One chance, that's all I'm giving you. Fuck up, that's it. I don't care how much you like me, if you stuff  this your out of my life."

I pull up the front of my dress and lean back "thank you Jas, I'll show you how much I like you and do whatever I can to earn your trust."

I nod and take his hand when he holds it out and go inside with him, we go upstairs and get dried off, Ashton gives me a pair of his shorts, a t-shirt and flannel.

I didn't know if I was doing the right thing, what's school going to be like tomorrow? What's going to happen? What are people going to think?

All these questions were racing through my head and many more.

Yayy another update. Follow @heartbreak_hemmings and I's new insta @/waffles5sos_imagines


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